Hey there! Hope you guys are doing well. If you guys are reading this article, that means you are surely interested in the field of communication and technology, which is indeed making major strides in our life nowadays.
Have you checked out our projects on Wireless Communication yet?
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Have you ever observed your surroundings closely? A wireless headphone or a wireless Bluetooth speaker, or a wireless mouse or a keyboard etc are some of the most common things you find around you for sure. If you observe closely, you hardly find people who don’t use wireless devices these days. Wireless communication has surely made our lives easier, faster, fashionable and comfortable as well.
So, if at all you are interested in knowing more about wireless communication, its applications and projects related to it, then my friend, be proud of yourself, you’ve made it to the right place, just keep reading the article to explore new things!
Learn more about wireless communication
Wireless communication is basically the transfer of power or energy or information from one point to another which are not connected physically or in other words, they are not even having a common conductor in between them but still, any of the above 3 things may be transferred. It is also termed as “over the air” communication.
Discover more about wireless communication
Want to develop practical skills on Wireless Communication? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Having known all about the advantages and applications of wireless communication technology, the best way to start off understanding and learning more about this is by doing a project. In case you are an engineering final year student, well… you have got no other option apart from doing a project…do you?
So, in case you are wondering about how to get guidance on what projects to take, then online would be one of the best ways to do it.
Skyfi Labs is one such website which offers some brilliant projects in this field. Here are a few of them:
1. Swarm robotics: In this wireless communication major project, you will deal with preparing multiple robots which in-turn communicate amongst themselves and perform a particular task. Here, you will mainly be learning about Arduino architecture, swarm robotics, robot’s locomotion along with other exciting aspects.
Learn more about this major project
2. Voice-controlled robot: Here you will be building a robot which can be controlled through voice commands and can also recognise the voice of the person and the language spoken. You will also be developing an app to enable all the above things. In this wireless major project, you will mainly be learning about the basics of android app development, speech recognition, Bluetooth communication and Arduino architecture.
Learn more about this wireless project
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Wireless Communication Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.
You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and
grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Wireless Communication today!
3. GPS and GSM based tracker: In this major wireless communication project, you will be preparing a device which can give our location (GPS) and which can send and receive information via SMS(GSM). You will be learning and dealing with things like GPS module, GSM module, Arduino programming etc.
Learn more about this wireless project
Explore more wireless communication major projects
The above doubt should have been puzzling you guys as well, isn’t it? Because, why do we need wireless communication-based devices when we have wired ones available with less complexity involved in their working and which has a cheaper price as compared to the wired ones. So, given below are a few points as to why we need to prefer wireless communication-based devices over the wired ones.
Satellite communication: It is one type of self-contained communication which is widely spread all over the world to ensure that everyone is connected from or to anywhere in the world. It mainly consists of 2 components: the ground segment, which consists of the receiver and the and the space segment which consists of the satellite itself.
Infrared communication: It communicates information through IR rays. IR rays are electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength longer than that of red light. A photo LED transmitter and a photodiode receptor is required for successful infrared communication.
Broadcast radio: This form of communication is the first form of wireless communication technology which finds its popular use in radio communication which serves the purpose until today.
Microwave communication: This is one of the most effective types of communications which uses radio waves for transmission. The communication takes place mainly in 2 modes:
Wi-Fi: It is a low power communication device which is used as a communication hub in various wireless devices like mobile phone, laptop etc.
Apart from these major forms of wireless communications, there are also other types like mobile communication systems, Bluetooth communication systems etc.
From a small earphone to a large automatic machine, wireless communication has found its use everywhere, given below are some of the applications of wireless communication devices:
Apart from the above projects, there are many other exciting projects being offered by them. The link for the website is given below:
For all the above projects you will be given a certificate, experts guidance and a kit as well. So, what else are you waiting for…be wise and take your decision.
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