Wireless technology can be found anywhere and everywhere in many cities. From wireless computer mouse, keyboards, headsets to satellite television, every electronic device that we use each day operates through wireless transmission. Hence building good wireless based projects can really help you learn and showcase valuable practical skills. And IEEE forum provides the best project topics that uses latest technologies and are trending now.
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Wireless Communication is the transfer of information or power without the use of electrical wires, routers or conductors. The most common wireless technology involves the use of long radio waves, traveling long distances and the shorter one, which travel only a few kilometers. The projects that implement no use of such external sources for connectivity, come under the category of wireless projects. There are many wireless projects for engineering students, that can add to your resume and make it worth checking out.
In today’s time, wireless technology can be found anywhere and everywhere in many cities. The common examples of wireless technology include GPS units, garage door openers, wireless computer mouse, keyboards and headsets, headphones, radio receivers, satellite television, broadcast television, cordless telephones and many more.
Want to develop practical skills on Wireless Communication? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
In today's date, time is very precious, and a lump of work is required to be completed within a few hours. Also, it is equally important to know what’s going on around the world and to get connected to your family and friends overcoming regional boundaries. To enhance this experience, wireless projects do their play. By learning wireless based technology, you will get in touch with the real world problems and to their solutions as well. Who knows, it could be a turning point in your life and you can turn out be a professional problem solver in future!
IEEE projects give you a structured and comprehensive knowledge of the real world projects and how to tackle them with expertise. Through IEEE projects and professional mentorship, you can choose from a variety of projects to enhance your set of skills. For example, The Automatic Saw cutting project, a wireless based mechatronic project, helps you to develop an automatic saw cutting machine that integrates a microcontroller, real-time clocks, relay driver circuit, user interface screen and mechanical arrangements to help people carry out tedious tasks in industries or the Biometric system based electronic voting machine which is an excellent project using Raspberry Pi for ECE students, ensures that the tampering of votes will not be possible and government can easily verify for the authenticity of the votes. The device will also be integrated with the cloud platform using Raspberry Pi. So the data collected will be stored online and can be checked by any remote user from anywhere on the earth. Hence if you want to go for cutting edge projects that involve latest technologies, IEEE projects are the best to begin with.
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Wireless Communication Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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1. GPS and GSM based Tracker:
GPS and GSM are very important technologies in today's world. GPS is used to get coordinates of a location and GSM is used to send information via SMS. In this project, you will build a GPS and GSM based Tracker device using Arduino which can send continuous updates about the position on google maps in your mobile phone or computer. While building your project you will learn practically about the working of GPS modules, antennas, GSM modules, and mobile communication.
By building this project you will learn about:
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2. Voice Controlled Robot:
Voice Recognition or Speech Recognition is the ability of a machine to identify words from a spoken language. We see how applications like Siri (iPhone), Google Assistant and Amazon Echo are evolving. In this project, you will build a Voice Controlled Robot that can be controlled through voice commands. You will also build an Android App which will understand your voice commands and control the Robot to perform specific tasks via Bluetooth.
By building this project you will learn about:
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3. Home Automation System:
IOT is changing the way we live. Home Automation is one such area that is tremendously impacted by IoT. Every electronic device in the near future will be automatically controlled by computers. In this project, you will build an electronic device which can be used to control all the home appliances using Bluetooth technology. The project you develop can be used to switch ON/OFF the devices by giving commands using an Android App installed on a mobile phone. You will be able to store and analyze the data about the electricity usage of home appliances.
By building this project you will learn about:
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4. Smart Irrigation System:
IOT is changing our lives and lifestyle as we see it. This project helps you understand how to implement IOT in very important areas like agriculture and irrigation. In this project, you will work with a soil moisture sensor, ESP-8266 WiFi module and an Arduino board to develop a smart irrigation system project. The device can detect the change in moisture level in the soil and control the flow of water accordingly with a DC pump. You will also program the system to send data to the cloud platform for storage and analysis.
By building this project you will learn about:
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5. Weather monitoring system using IoT project:
With more and more devices getting connected to the internet, the demand for skills in IoT area is very high. You can learn IOT only by building projects - get your hands on the sensors and actuators, set up the network and collect & analyze data sent by the sensors. Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an IoT based electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can also program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!
By building this project you will learn about:
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6. Swarm Robotics Project:
Swarm Robotics deals with Artificial Swarm Intelligence between multiple robots. The robots can communicate and coordinate among themselves and complete a mission. Imagine an aerial robot (drone) seeing a survivor of a shipwreck and informing a sea robot that is closest to the person to rescue.
That’s swarm robots in action! In this project, you will learn to build autonomous swarm robots enabled with master-slave communication. The master robot controls the slave robot while performing its own task and the slave robot functions based on the signal received from the master robot (both being autonomous).
By building this project you will learn about:
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7. Remote temperature/humidity monitoring IoT device:
In this project, you will build an IoT based weather monitoring system that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet to the user at a remote location. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically actuate a device. This device can either be a fan or an A.C or even a cooling device at industries. And all these happen autonomously and can be monitored online from any part of the world!
By building this project you will learn about:
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8. Automated Street Lighting with IoT:
IOT is improving the way we consume energy smartly. In this project, you will understand one such example and build an IoT based street light that automatically switches ON and OFF based on sunlight.
In this project, you will build an IoT based Automated Street Lighting System that automatically switches the street light ON and OFF based on the amount of sunlight present. This is one of the key components of smart cities where energy will be used very efficiently by turning the streetlights ON and OFF at the right time as needed. The data will be sent to the cloud for storage and analysis. And this concept is being widely used in the smart city constructions.
By building this project you will learn about:
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Hope you got some good idea about good IEEE based wireless projects from this article.
Suppose, if you want to build great wireless based projects but don’t have the necessary technical knowledge, don’t worry!
We at Skyfi Labs have developed an innovative learning methodology through which you can learn the latest technologies by building projects hands-on right from your home. With the course content available online 24x7 and 1-1 technical assistance provided, developing great expertise on the latest technologies like wireless communication will never be tough for you.
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