Nowadays the world has become a place where everything is being done wirelessly, for example, communication, data transfer, power transmission, etc. What’s a better career option than something in the domain of wireless communication now? From wireless communication between two people to wireless communication between a robot and a human, we’ve come a long way from the era of wired telephones. The technology is just advancing every second, and every next day something new comes up.
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Now, this might seem intimidating and you might be worrying about how to take your first step towards a better future? Worry not, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will be briefly discussing the steps you need to cover for a successful career in wireless communication. We at Skyfi Labs have developed a dedicated career-building course on wireless communication where we will cover 6 exciting projects starting from beginner to advanced levels.
Learn more about wireless technology
We are living in an era of speech recognition robots and gradually moving towards the world of smart cities and personal robots. With the advancement of technology, it has become very clear that communication is the key to the efficient functioning of any system. Be it within the system or between systems, communication plays a major role. We are getting over the age-old technology of wired communication and going wireless. This makes the overall design of modules simpler.
IoT is a new trend, and it is being adopted everywhere. From cities to industries, IoT is making its way everywhere. The base of IoT lies in wireless communication and that is what makes this domain so exciting. You could work on something as small as a mobile controlled bot, to something as big as an automated home system and wireless communication is used everywhere. This domain has been expanding at a rapid rate for the past few years, and in the future, it will just grow.
Discover more about wireless technology
Want to develop practical skills on Wireless Communication? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Some of the main skills required to develop a successful career in wireless communication are:
Explore more about wireless technology
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Wireless Communication Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and
grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Wireless Communication today!
Hundreds of companies hire thousands of communication engineers every year. Some of them are:
Apart from the academic knowledge that you gained from the university, you should have certain qualities or traits that make you stand out from others. To gain such skill, Skyfi Labs provide various projects which enable the student to learn various skills and gain the required knowledge.
If you are very much interested in having a career in wireless communication technology, with our wireless communication career-building course, you will learn the concepts from basic to advanced by building projects practically.
Following are the projects that you will learn as part of the wireless communication career-building course:
1. Mobile Controlled Robot
This is the first beginner level project in the career-building course. As a part of this project, you will create your robot which will be controlled using DTMF signals from your phone. Scratch based block programming modules make this project doable even for people without any previous programming experience. This project will also help you learn about the basics of Arduino and Android programming.
2. Voice Controlled Robot
This is also a beginner level project based on Speech Recognition. It will allow you to create a robot that will be controlled by your voice and the commands you give. This wireless project will help you understand wireless communication and a robot, both of which will be designed by you. If you're fascinated by the technology behind Alexa or Siri, this project will be an exciting opportunity for you.
3. Wi-Fi Controlled Robot
Taking a step further, next up is a Wi-Fi controlled robot. This is an intermediate level project which will establish a wireless connection between the computer/website and the robot using the ESP 8266 Wi-Fi module. As a part of this project, you will create your robot and control it using the commands on the webpage.
4. Swarm Robotics
Swarm Robots involves inter-robot communication using Artificial Swarm Intelligence to finish a particular task. This wireless communication project will allow you to build two such autonomous robots (master and slave), and then establish a wireless network between them based on swarm intelligence. This project is an interesting opportunity for you to learn about a new domain of wireless communication and use it further in your future projects.
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
This is an advanced level project based on GSM technology. Here, you will create a smart energy meter which will send updates periodically using GSM. The updates can be used to track and monitor energy usage. This project will teach you about the basics and applications of GSM technology for wireless communication.
6. GPS & GSM based Vehicle Tracker
This is the last and the final project in the career-building course. It will put everything you learned in the last five projects to test. This project will be based on GPS and GSM. The system will get the exact location of a vehicle using GPS and sends the coordinates via SMS periodically using GSM. These coordinates will then be used to plot a map to track the vehicle if needed. This project will not only familiarize you with wireless communication but also with the technology behind navigation too.
Wireless communication and its advancement have been gaining pace for the past few years and if you look around you will see it everywhere. From your mobile phones to the smart lights in your house, to the smart systems in your house like Alexa, Siri, etc. It’s time for you to take a step towards the future and start building your career in this domain.
Take the first step and take a look at our career-building course. Now that we’ve discussed the projects that are a part of our exciting career-building course, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, grab the opportunity and register now!
For any queries, feel free to comment below or visit our official website. Our expert will get back to you shortly.
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