“One simple idea can change everything”
An idea is so powerful that when groomed in the right way it has the ability to transform you and everyone around you. Every innovative company that you see today originated from one awesome idea.
Have you checked out our projects on Internet of Things yet?
Internet of Things Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!
5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
You might have watched the Inception Movie, it portrayed how difficult it is to make a person believe an idea but when someone does believe that idea it has the power to impact their own life in an unimaginable way.
Same way, companies like travelguru.com, thredup.com, renttherunway.com etc. was founded from ideas which the students came up with while participating in a competition.
As per human psychology, when a person is pushed to limits his mind provokes and opens up the creative cognitive skills paving the way for some amazing ideas.
But the challenge here is to transform the idea into a reality.
Competitions provide you exactly this, where it enhances your creativity, bringing the best out of you and provide you an effective platform to transform the idea into a reality.
Internet of Things in short IoT is a trending technological field that converts any electronic device into a smarter one. A lot of industries are beginning to adopt this technology on to their operations to increase their productivity and improve efficiency.
Want to develop practical skills on Internet of Things? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
This innovative technology not only connects the device to the internet but also provides the user, various features like real-time analytics, platform to analyze the collected data, cloud data storage, trigger an action from a remote location, remote notifications etc. Because of its wide range of applications, this technology can be integrated into almost all the industries.
Reports also state that more than 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet via IoT by 2020 transforming into a multi-trillion dollar market. Such is the scope of this amazing technology.
As this is an upcoming technology, you can’t really learn it through your engineering curriculum. Even the laboratories in most of the colleges of today are not equipped with the materials that support the learning of this technology.
So how can you learn this technology?
Well, IoT is a concept that can only be learned by practicing. Building projects on IoT is a great way to learn the technology and develop skills.
You can start by building relatively simpler projects on IoT to understand the technology from the core and then move on to building bigger projects to strengthen your knowledge.
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Internet of Things Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.
You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and
grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Internet of Things today!
For a beginner, you can attend any hands-on workshops or do some project-based courses on IoT to get started with the technology.
IoT competitions offer a lot more reward to you than just the winning prize. It plays a great role in motivating you to learn more and bringing in the best of out of you in terms of critical thinking.
Some of the takeaway points for you from IoT competitions are:
Skyfi Labs - IUCEE Challenge provides you an amazing technological experience to learn and build products based on trending innovative technologies. This competition has involved more than 3000 students in the past 3 years where we have witnessed some highly creative products in the fields of automation technology, human-machine interaction and alternative energies.
In the same thread, Skyfi Labs - IUCEE challenge 2018 offers you a national level platform to learn, design and innovate projects in the field of Internet of Things.
You will compete with more than 2000 engineering students from various educational institutions across the nation on this latest technology. The competition provides you an effective platform to learn and showcase skills in front of the industry experts at an International Conference (ICTIEE 2018) that is being organized at Bennett University, Greater Noida during 06-08, Jan 2018.
Know more about Skyfi Labs - IUCEE challenge 2018There are 2 options available for you to enter the competition,
Step 1: You need to register for our IoT using Arduino Online Course. (Click here to enroll)
Step 2: Complete the project using the hardware kits sent from us and online course content
Step 3: After completing the course, solve the additional challenge given at the end of the course
Step 4: Get a direct entry to the finals of Skyfi Labs IUCEE Challenge 2018 at ICTIEE’18 by IUCEE during 06-08, Jan 2018 at Bennett University, Greater Noida.
Enroll for the IoT using Arduino Online CourseStep 1: You can participate in one of the IoT workshops that we are organizing across the nation
Step 2: At the end of the workshop, top performing teams would be picked based on the challenge performance
Step 3: Shortlisted students will be invited to the finals of Skyfi Labs IUCEE Challenge 2018 at ICTIEE’18 by IUCEE during 06-08, Jan 2018 at Bennett University, Greater Noida
Join IoT using Arduino hands-on workshopOther than getting an international exposure and developing skills on IOT technology, you will receive certifications from both Skyfi Labs and IUCEE: Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education. You can also stand a chance to win prize money worth Rs.20,000.
Here are some tips for you to have a better chance of winning
Utilize this opportunity to showcase your skills at National Level. All the Best!
Join 250,000+ students from 36+ countries & develop practical skills by building projects
Get kits shipped in 24 hours. Build using online tutorials.
Stay up-to-date and build projects on latest technologies