Computer Vision

Futue of Image Processing, Develop a Successful Career in IP


Almost every field of our lives has been changed or impacted by improvement and advancements in the field of science and technology. A frontier field that is seeing a lot of growth is that of image processing. The last decade or so has witnessed tremendous growth with regards to AI, digital communications and visual representation. Hence, several new-age applications, which we use in our day-to-day lives require such technology to function. Are you curious to know regarding the scope of image processing and what the future holds for it? Here’s a look at what image processing is capable of, and how you can begin your journey in the field of visual data processing.

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Have you checked out our projects on Computer Vision yet?
Computer Vision Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Surveillance Robot

2. Sixth Sense Robot

3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

4. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

5. Computer Vision Based Mouse

6. Computer Vision Training & Internship

Discover more about Image processing

What is Image Processing?

Image processing is the manipulation of visual data either to achieve an aesthetic quality or to derive data from it, and support another task. However, when it comes to the application of this technology, the image processing helps to bridge the gap between how we see things and how devices digitally view things. It is quite obvious that our visual system does not see the world the way a computer or scanner does. Image processing helps to merge the two and remove some of the stark differences between them, so that devices move, interact and see the way we do.

Learn more about image processing

Why is image processing important?

Within the scientific community and manufacturing industry, image processing is at the helm of the technical revolution that is being called Industry 4.0. Along with the internet, Industry 4.0 will help in bringing together real-time production and virtual data representation, making the process more fluid and flexible than ever before. Therefore, the future of image processing will lay the framework for new technologies and business models. Assembly lines these days are being automated at a faster rate than ever before, in a bid to stay relevant and competitive. Also, industries are now very careful with regards to energy consumption, recycling, and scrap management, as they want to minimize resource wastage. In such a setting, it is only natural that technologies such as image processing and NLP help with automation and quality control.

For instance, machine vision systems help with measuring, counting, checking and inspecting products, at a rate much faster than humans. This helps in managing the last few stages of the production process. The process is fast and efficient, meaning that the total production time is brought down, leading to more efficient use of resources. time.

Furthermore, smart cameras help with security and protection, working as a part of surveillance systems.

Latest projects on Computer Vision

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Where is image processing used?

Digital image processing includes the manipulation of images via a computer system and mainly involves filtering or enhancing images in order to extract information from them. The three steps performed are;

  1. Extraction of the image from a camera or scanner
  2. Manipulation or analysis of the image
  3. Displaying the output after processing

Over the years, fields which have used analog imaging for decades have shifted to digital systems, due to their flexibility and affordability. Some of the major fields that rely on such techniques are medicine, photography, feature extraction, remote sensing, computer vision, security monitoring, face detection, and optical character recognition.

  • Computer Vision - Computer vision is used in artificial systems to acquire information from images or video signals to then decide the outcome or next action to be taken. Industrial robots and autonomous vehicles depend on such systems to navigate and get their tasks done.
  • Face Detection - This method helps in the analysis and matching of integral facial features to help with the detection and identification of faces. Face detection is a type of object class detection and is used extensively in security and surveillance work.
  • Video Processing - Much like signal processing, video processing is an important part of digital systems. It is used in television sets, DVDs and video players to run and display visual data.
  • Remote Sensing - Remote sensing uses real-time wireless sensors to gather information about an object at a distance. This technique is used extensively by aircraft, satellites, and ships via ultrasound, Magnetic or even X-radiation methods.
  • Biomedical Analysis - Image processing has found multiple uses in the field of medicine with it being a major source of image diagnosis. Also, it helps in the improvement of techniques such as Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, helping doctors get better diagnostics, and hence, detect diseases faster.

Learn more about image processing

How to build Computer Vision projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Computer Vision Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Computer Vision today!

Scope of image processing

While imaging was associated with security functions and surveillance missions, the term has grown to represent something larger in recent years. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, image processing is now an integral part of AI systems.

Various new types of processing systems, which have come up recently help with chemical, thermal and molecular imaging. Furthermore, the use of such systems has led to tremendous growth in the field of space exploration. Most new satellites make use of different sensors to obtain useful information from outer space. Satellite imaging and military applications are regarded as future trends in the field of image processing. Furthermore, advances in broadband devices and mobile technology will help in the improvement of image processing systems in hand-held devices. To put things in perspective, the future of image processing looks bright and solid.

Future Applications

  1. Sophisticated optical sorting
  2. Improvements in Augmented reality
  3. Traffic data collection
  4. Medical imaging
  5. Rise in industrial applications
  6. Space exploration
  7. Military applications
  8. Fingerprint and retina recognition
  9. Improvements in Stereography
  10. Morphological image processing

How to develop a career in image processing?

The answer to the above question is simple. You can start a career in image processing by developing some innovative projects related to it. By doing some projects you will not only learn about the concepts of image processing but also apply the concepts in real-time. Below are some of the image processing projects in which you can have a look.

1. Surveillance robot

Robots are changing the way we function, by helping us with our work. Not only do they help in making us more efficient, but rather, they also help in keeping us safe and secure. Surveillance robots ensure that our dear and near ones stay safe, by keeping a watchful eye over them. In this image processing project, you will build a remote-controlled surveillance robot that captures live video footage using Raspberry Pi and Python Programming.


Learn more about Surveillance Robot

2. Computer vision – text scanner

Computer vision powers everything from autonomous vehicles to textual scanning. This project is a great way to get started in the field of Computer Vision. In this Computer Vision project, you will build a CV text scanner that can detect text in images. The main principle used in this project is that of the optical character recognition algorithm, and the other things you will learn include thresholding and perspective transformation


Learn more about Computer Vision - Text Scanner

3. Computer vision based mouse

You might be wondering why people would use computer vision to build a mouse. But then again, think about how people who are physically handicapped use a mouse. In this project, not only will you be learning new concepts related to Computer Vision, but you will also be putting them to use to build something that celebrates inclusion. The mouse you build can be moved by

Just pointing fingers, rather than through manual control. You will learn to implement the object tracking algorithm and Canny edge detection method.


Learn more about Computer Vision Based Mouse

4. Computer vision based smart selfie

Nowadays everyone is obsessed with selfies. So, what if I told you that you can use Computer vision to take better selfies! Well, the technology that helps robots to see the world the way humans do can also help you look fantastic in every selfie you take. In this computer vision project, students will build a smart selfie that takes photos automatically when you smile by making use of a facial feature recognition algorithm. Click away, and instead of taking a 100 and deleting 98, get that perfect shot the first time!


Learn more about Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

These were some of the ways to develop a successful career in image processing. If you have any good suggestions, let us know in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

Futue of Image Processing, Develop a Successful Career in IP
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-16

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