Computer Vision

How to develop a successful career in Computer Vision?


This article covers topics like how you can build a successful career in computer vision. It is a technology that you can learn to develop experience in the field of information technology. In this article, we have covered the topics including the scope of computer vision, skills required for a successful career in computer vision and also relevant skills that you can imbibe and how you can imbibe those skills are mentioned.

Note about Computer Vision Note:

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1. Surveillance Robot

2. Sixth Sense Robot

3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

4. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

5. Computer Vision Based Mouse

6. Computer Vision Training & Internship

A good way to gain experience in computer vision is to develop practical skills by developing projects.

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We at Skyfi Labs developed a dedicated career-building course on computer vision. As part of this course, you will develop multiple projects related to computer vision. It provides you all the required skills and experience for your career in computer vision.

Check our computer vision career-building course

What is computer vision and how it works?

Computer vision also abbreviated as CV, is a field of study which develops various techniques to make the computers “see” and understand the digital images such as photographs and videos. It is a process of making the computer more sensitive and capable of recognizing objects nearby to provide proper outputs. It is a step forward to implant human intelligence into the machine. It is generally a difficult task to implement but with the help of artificial intelligence emerging progressively, it has become a little easy. The task is to make the computer interpret what it sees and perform a certain task or analyze it.

Computer vision’s main objective is not just to recognize but also to process and act according to the observation. For instance, a car with a proper Computer vision can identify various objects on the road while driving. These objects include traffic lights, signs, pedestrians, etc. and acts accordingly. With an intelligent device abled with Computer vision can even instruct the driver in specific directions or even stop the car in case of any abnormality found internally or externally.

Learn more about Computer vision

Computer vision can be further classified into broad steps:

  1. Object Classification: The first step is to train the machine on a specific database of objects and making it understand, which object falls under which category and how to differentiate between them.
  2. Object Identification: After the machine has a database of all the relevant objects, it should now recognize them whenever it flashes in front of it and responds to it in a certain manner, as specified by the developer.

Latest projects on Computer Vision

Want to develop practical skills on Computer Vision? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

Some of the common examples of Computer vision which we can see in our daily lives are:

  1. Face recognition in Smartphones.
  2. Google translator
  3. tracking of an object
  4. Autonomous cars
  5. Social media services
  6. Online customer support

Now as we know what Computer vision actually is, let's see how it works. These are the simple steps that are followed to implement intelligence to the computer:

  1. Image Recognition
  2. Motion tracking and optical flow analysis
  3. Basic segmentation
  4. Fitting
  5. Matching images from different viewpoints.
  6. 3D scenes
  7. Object recognition and image classification
  8. Deep learning
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Scope of Computer vision

Scope of Computer vision

If we see 20 years down the line, Computer vision will become a commodity component inevitable in any kind of consumer durable product. Application-specific analytics and intelligence will also get added to the devices including visual, audio, textual, numerical and sensor analytics.

How to build Computer Vision projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Computer Vision Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Computer Vision today!

The government and corporates are also indulging in this field which in turn, helps the industry to a greater extent.  Future systems will contain application-specific mixtures of Neural Computing, CPUs, GPUs, sensor processors, and Input-Output.

Imaging devices will become more precise with the help of more powerful on-chip processing for image processing and analytics.

With more individuals being attracted to the possibility of Artificial Intelligence, individuals are presently observing a prospective professional in the field of AI. That being said, the extent of artificial intelligence in India is entirely huge as a definitive point is to make computer programs that can handle various issues and provide goal-oriented solutions efficiently. Thus, there is a scope for computer vision, game development, speech recognition, robotics, and language detection.

Learn more about computer vision

What skills do I need?

1. Basic Skills
  • Probability: Artificial Intelligence or Machine learning requires algorithms for making reliable predictions about the result. The mathematical tools for such predictions lie in principles of probability and its derivative techniques. Some of them may be Markov Decision Process and Bayes Nets.
  • Statistics: As probability is important for predicting the uncertainties, statistics also provides certain tools and techniques used for the creation of models from raw data. Analysis of variance and hypothesis testing are some of the tools of statistics often used in Computer vision.
  • Data Modeling: For analyzing unstructured data, Data modeling is required. The process of estimating the structure of the given dataset, finding the patterns and filling up the gaps are all done by data modelling.
2. Programming Skills
  • Fundamentals of Programming: Machine learning deals with the computation on huge sets of data and hence requires proficiency in the Fundamental concepts like data structures, algorithms, computer architecture, and complexities, etc. One can learn basics like stacks, b-trees, sort algos or skim from various books.
  • Software design: Being a Computer vision engineer you will be required to create algorithms and systems that integrate and communicate with other components and ecosystems. Hence, you should have a strong background in application programming interfaces (API) of different flavors.
3. ML Programming languages
  • C/C#: These are the lowest level programming language which is the basic requirement. It is suitable for developing software. These languages are generally used to build the infrastructure of the machine language engines.
  • Python: Python is like the bread and butter for data scientists and machine learning engineers. Python has a lot of useful libraries like NumPy, Scipy, Pandas, etc. for efficient data processing.

4. Computer Vision knowledge: The basics of Computer vision are built on digital image processing. Hence one of the main skills needed to build a career in Computer vision is to learn the basics of Digital Image Processing. Henceforth one can move to pattern recognition and 3D geometry. Linear algebra is also a basic skill needed, like dimensionality reduction. Deep learning in CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) can also be looked upon in the field of Computer vision.

5. Computer vision Tools: One should also look out to some of the tools widely used in the field of Computer vision. Tools like OpenCV, Matlab, CUDA, SimpleCv, GPU image, etc.

6. Machine Learning: Computer vision mainly means to teach the computer using the data. For this to happen one should himself know how to train the computer. You should learn some basic machine learning algorithms and understand its functionality in the field of computer vision.

Some of the keywords one should know which are constantly being used in the industry are SIFT, HOG, Viola-Jones, Shape Contexts and Deformable Part Models.

Learn more about computer vision

How to develop the required skills to start a career in Computer Vision?

What is computer vision and how it works?

Till now we have discussed what Computer vision is and what all the skills required to build a successful career in computer vision. But the real task starts here, how to develop all these skills. Learning will never stop. Keep learning new things every day. Computer Vision is a field that is evolving day by day. One should keep up with what is actually happening in the industry.

Initially, to gain the basic knowledge of Computer vision and programming, one should read books related to Computer vision and practice them as much as possible. Knowing Python would definitely provide you an edge over the others. But practicing specific Python programs would definitely help increase your processing speed and thinking capability. Some of the recommended books are:

  1. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, by Richard Szeliski
  2. Computer Vision: Models, Learning and Inference, by Simon Prince
  3. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, by David Forsyth and Jean Ponce
  4. Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision, by Emanuele Trucco and Alessandro Verri.
  5. Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman.
Learn more about compter vision

What are the education requirements?

For being a Computer Vision engineer, one should have a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (B.E/B.Tech.), preferably in Computer Science or related fields. Bachelors in Science (B.Sc.) in Computer Science or related fields can also help you build a career in Computer vision. Because of immense competitions and lesser intake in the companies, having some prior experience will give you an edge over the others to get into your dream company.

How to Develop a Successful Career in Computer Vision?

After gaining knowledge from the books, work on some side projects available online and you can also indulge with the smaller firms or startups working on Computer vision to get the exposure of the technology.

The internet has a wide range of platforms from which you can learn CV and practice it yourself with the help of the online courses. These courses generally charge a nominal fee and you can get all the tutorials, subject matter, and projects to work on. You can find such courses on Skyfi Labs.

Learn more about computer vision career building course

We at Skyfi labs have developed a career building course, on Computer vision. Through this course, you will learn the concepts of Computer vision from scratch and building it further with advance learnings and developing practical projects. It will help you in measuring your growth and will support you by strengthening your skills. This course will give you enough exposure and experience in the field of Computer Vision.


This course will go step by step through various projects as follows:

1. Computer vision-based mouse: In this computer vision project, you will make a program to control the cursor using the object tracking algorithm. As part of this computer vision project, you will learn Image processing algorithms, Image thresholding, Canny edge detection, and object tracking.

Check what you will learn

2. Surveillance camera: In this computer vision project you will use Raspberry Pi a small card-sized computer, as the brain and program it to transmit the captured video as live footages. You will learn Matplotlib, Raspberry Pi architecture, and python programming.

Check what you will learn

3. Surveillance robot: As part of this computer vision project you will build a surveillance robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and transmits live footage over the internet. You will also learn robot’s locomotion, working of DC motors & motor driver circuit, and Raspberry Pi Architecture and its programming.

Check what you will learn

4. Computer vision-based smart selfie: In this computer vision project, you will make a program that automatically takes a picture when you smile. It uses facial feature recognition algorithm to perform the above task. You will also learn about face recognition, facial feature recognition, and Dlib C++ library.

Check what you will learn

All these projects will help you gain knowledge in computer vision. Remember, if you are very passionate about having a career in Compute vision, you can start now by taking a computer vision career building course.

We at Skyfi Labs will be super happy to help you land on your dream Computer vision job. The advantage of this career-building course is that you can learn these projects anytime anywhere.

Enroll now for the Career building course on Computer Vision by clicking the link below.

Computer vision career-building course

Now as we know what Computer Vision is all about. We have seen what all skills and educational qualification are required to get into this field. We have also touched upon how one should go about to develop the required skills.

Hope, this article is of some use to you.

We wish you all the very best for your Computer Vision career.

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How to develop a successful career in Computer Vision?
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-18

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