
Top 8 Major Projects on Python (Videos Included)

Mechatronics is a field in the domain of engineering that deals with several other fields of engineering clustered into one major and most important domains of them all. It is, what we can definitely say, a multidisciplinary field in engineering which is more like a design process. This field significantly unifies all major branches into one main branch. Generally, the word Mechatronics would usually instil a thought of this field which involves only electronics and mechanical. But truth be told, it is not merely these two branches, but their branch names have been labelled together to coin the term ‘Mechatronics’ since these two field play majorly significant roles when compared to the other fields that are combined.

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Note about Mechatronics Note:

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1. Animatronic Hand

2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)

3. Robotic Arm

4. Biped Walking Robot

5. Hexapod

6. 2 Mechatronics Projects

7. Automation using PLC

8. Mechatronics Training & Internship

Coming with an idea for a project based on mechatronics might seem a little tedious because it would get you wondering if the idea you chose is just right for this vast branch or not. This is why we at Skyfi Labs have highly curated major mechatronics projects that you can work on whilst the worry which is plausible. Having picked selective project ideas and presenting them to you in this article gives us as much joy as you would feel once you complete your project with hands-on experiences.

List of major project topics on mechatronics

To get you started, here are a few topics you can look into while you can check the rest on our website.

1. Animatronic hand: Robots are always cool and What if a robotic arm replicates your hand motion that is very cool! In this major mechatronics project, you will develop one such device which animates your hand motion. You will use the Arduino and flex sensor to make the device work.


Learn more about this mechatronics project

Latest projects on Mechatronics

Want to develop practical skills on Mechatronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

2. Robotic arm: Again, one more robotics-related project. Robotic arm is widely used in manufacturing industries to speed up the manufacturing process and also to reduce the human risk involved while handling heavy pieces of machinery. In this mechatronics major project, you will develop a robotic arm that can be controlled using your mobile phone over Bluetooth. As part of this project, you will learn Arduino programming, Bluetooth communication, actuation of the robotic arm, etc.

Learn more about this project


3. Hexapod: This a sex legged robot that can able to walk in almost all the terrains. In this mechatronics major project, you will learn to develop a six-legged robot using servo motors, Arduino and HC-05 Bluetooth module.

Learn more about this project


4. Pneumatic powered Metal pick and place Arm: Heavy-duty industries require a lot of labour work. To assist manual labor, there is a definite need for machinery to complete tasks that are pretty much impossible for man to execute. One simple example is that of a pick and places metal arm. This arm is controlled to work in industries to serve as a pick and place bot. The system is capable of lifting heavy components and materials and place them in the desired location. So in this major project, you will be covering just that. This mechatronics project deals with creating a pneumatically-powered metal arm that can pick and place cylindrical objects. You will learn how the mechanisms of your metal arm work and become familiar with controlling it.

5. Optimization and Automation of Water-cooling facility using PLC project: This project helps to bring about a sustainable environment. In this project, you will learn to analyze and understand how the optimization of water cooling is made using PLC’s or Programmable Logic Controllers. You will further learn how the process of automation is implemented into this project which will help regulate and automate energy as well as plant security.

To learn more about this major mechatronics project, check out our link

6. Design and implementation of the automatic door using PLC

It’s interesting to find how innovative ideas can bring about a sense of ease in lifestyle. Having your tasks being automated and under control simply eases and provides luxurious living in our homes, offices, industries and so on. One such example is having an automated door system. This major mechatronics project deals with designing, fabricating and implementing automation on doors with the help of PLC’s. You will be able to cover up the basics of how a PLC works and how the process of automation is done. You will also make use of infrared sensors that will help detect changes in the surroundings.

How to build Mechatronics projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Mechatronics Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Mechatronics today!

7. Automated Coconut Scraping machine

As mentioned earlier, it is indeed marvellous how technology brings about ease in lifestyle. This project deals with improvising kitchen tools at home. We all know that coconuts, especially in India, is mandatorily used in most of the Indian cuisines. Harvesting these fruits at large has immensely contributed to the country’s economy and is constantly doing the same. But at industries or even at home, coconut scraping has a lot of work to be done and is very time-consuming. That is why this concept seems to be the perfect solution to solve this hindering issue. In this mechatronics project, you will learn how to build your very own automated coconut scraping machine right from scratch by grasping the very basics initially which will lead you into making this a successful project.

8. Mini Windmill power generation project: With a constant need for resources to run industries and keep up with the pace in growth, most of our earth resources have been fueled for numerous purposes and soon there will be a time when we will run short of them. That is why harnessing renewable sources of energy at this point seems to be the urgent need all around the globe. There are several concepts and ideas that are implemented to make the best use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy and so on. Mechatronics has been one of the major hubs for implementing concepts to harness renewable energy. One such concept is that of windmills. This project will give you insights on making your own mini windmill that can be used for power generation. By the end of this project, you will learn how windmills can be effectively used to harness more power than other conventional means.

You can also refer to the following list for major mechatronics projects:

  • CNC machine using Arduino mechatronics project
  • Radio-controlled hovercraft using Arduino
  • Seed spraying machine mechatronics project
  • Pneumatic window washing robot
  • Electromagnetic Braking system for automobiles
  • Design and fabrication of Hybrid car
  • High-performance Electric bike
  • Solar-powered grass cutter
  • Line follower robot using IR sensor
  • Design and fabrication of conveyor belt
  • Quality checker using color sensor
  • DIY 3D printer using Arduino
  • Power generation from tidal waves
  • Solar-powered go-kart
  • Self-balancing electric 2-wheeler

There have been massive changes in this environment we inhabit. Man’s ideas and advances in thinking have led to tremendous benefactions to this planet. From thousands of years, man has constantly grown with respect to perspectives. Day by day, it keeps broadening and this, my friend, is the key to finding opportunities. In the modern-day era, we have innumerable options to choose from when it comes to setting your path of career. It is essential for scholars and learners to go with something they know they will love doing for the rest of their life. It’s hard to even make a choice because our interests vary constantly. So suppose you are a science and tech kind of a person and find it hard to choose a stream in the domain of engineering, you would probably end up reluctantly pushing yourself into something you weren’t meant to do. That is why we have streams like Mechatronics to come to your rescue. This field is the ultimate stream for those who have their interest branching on to various subjects such as mechanical, electronics, computers, system, control and telecommunications engineering.

Explore all the mechatronics projects

The ocean is vast, and so is Mechatronics. There is still so much blooming out of this field of engineering that it is almost inevitable to wipe this domain off. If you’re looking for similar projects to work on, Skyfi knows how to surprise you.

Good Luck!

Top 8 Major Projects on Python (Videos Included)
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-18

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