
Top Mechatronics Final Year Projects for Engineering Students

Mechatronics is an upcoming technology which uses interdisciplinary concepts between mechanical & electronics engineering. Especially this technology is being widely used for their efficient and reliable solutions where mechanical work is to be done repeatedly and with great accuracy. A few examples include robots, smart home appliances, automated guided vehicles, human gesture controlled devices, manufacturing robots etc,. But number of projects that are being done on this technology is very less when compared to other engineering streams.

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Note about Mechatronics Note:

Have you checked out our projects on Mechatronics yet?
Mechatronics Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Animatronic Hand

2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)

3. Robotic Arm

4. Biped Walking Robot

5. Hexapod

6. 2 Mechatronics Projects

7. Automation using PLC

8. Mechatronics Training & Internship

To cope up with this speed as an engineering student, you should be doing your mini projects and final year engineering projects on technologies that are constantly evolving. You should use these projects as an excellent platform to learn and understand new technologies and their implementation. Projects that have a better scope of learning help you to get your basics right, assist you in cracking core interviews and also increase your chances of getting admission in top universities for Masters. Some of the technologies in mechatronics which you can choose and do projects are:

Electronics Based:

Electronics Engineering is the core for most of the engineering projects and especially in the mechatronics stream this particular technology plays a vital role. Electronics that control mechanical systems account for most of the average automobile, managing everything from stability control and antilock brakes to climate control and memory-adjust seats.

Developing mechatronics projects in this particular technology will expose you to the basic concepts and helps you to equip the practical skills that are much needed to develop industrial projects. Some of the engineering projects that you can develop in mechatronics are:

Latest projects on Mechatronics

Want to develop practical skills on Mechatronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

Robotics Based:

From small scale industries to the space stations that are being launched, every industry is starting to adapt robots for their operations. Such is the importance of robotics in the current industries and it is not going to slow down any soon. Building projects using this technology will help you to understand the concepts behind them and also help you to increase practical knowledge that are much needed when you can go for a core job.

Some of the mechatronics projects that you can do using robotics technology are:

UAV Based:

Drones provide the added benefit of wireless control and real time data recording which has its applications for civilian to military purpose. For defence application, drones play a vital role in surveillance. They can do the functions like Terrain Mapping, Geo-Tagging, normal CCTV, etc. And for civilian purpose, Drones are finding immense popularity in areas like Photography, weather forecasts, animal behaviour studies, agriculture, rescue operations, etc.

Such is the importance of drones; building projects in this technology will help you to master the skills and develop a lucrative career on this. Some of the good mechatronics projects that you can do with UAV’s are:

How to build Mechatronics projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Mechatronics Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Mechatronics today!

  • Flightduino 101
  • Autonomous Image processing Drone Project
  • Delivery Robotic Drone Project
  • UAV Drone Project
  • Autnomous Quad for Surveillence

Skyfi Labs for Final Year Mechatronics Engineering Projects

To help you in building good final year mechatronics projects, Skyfi Labs has developed Online Project Based Courses by which you can learn and build innovative mechatronics projects at your own pace and time. These courses are equiped with Learn-Do-Review methodology that ensures proper learning and the hardware kits required to build the project will be shipped to your doorstep. These courses also gives you the opportunity to innovate and redefine the projects under the expert's guidance from Skyfi Labs. Certificate with unique codes will be provided for all enrolled after successful completion of the project.

Build Final Year Mechatronics Engineering Projects using Skyfi Labs Online Project Based Courses. Click here for more details.

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Top Mechatronics Final Year Projects for Engineering Students
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-05-04

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