Blogs on School

Best robotics classes for kids in Bangalore

Published on 24 Feb 2025. Written by Mukta Manshi

Best robotics classes for kids in bangalore

The 21st century is an era of cut-throat competition. Apart from basic education, it becomes imperative to attain soft skills or technical skills to reach the zenith and succeed. An upcoming and highly beneficial sphere that has gained a lot of prominence in recent times is robotics. Teaching robotics enables kids to unleash their creativity and explore uncharted territory of their conscious.

Robotics classes for kids can be particularly advantageous when taught to kids because it is a scientifically proven fact that children learn faster than adults; kids’ brains are designed to be more flexible and creative.

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STEM Education in India

Published on 04 Jan 2022. Written by Ria Singhal

 STEM Education in India

In today’s technological world, it is crucial that everyone keeps at par with this fast moving world. Technology and Science go hand in hand and an important step towards being alongside technology is to understand Science and its fields efficiently. As much as it is important to understand the magic of science, it is also equally interesting to explore various other concepts to build technology better and more efficiently. This article mainly revolves around one such very interesting topic - STEM Education. It also covers information about what STEM Education is all about, why it is important, how it can help students and others on similar lines.

What is STEM Education?

STEM Education in its broad sense means education in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It is one of the very interesting concepts that is taking the education world by storm today. But have you ever wondered what it really means? Basically speaking, STEM Education is one such powerful tool that actually fulfills the loopholes our current education system has and in turn provides students a great opportunity to unleash their hidden capabilities to innovate and create experimenters and budding entrepreneurs. STEM Education mainly revolves around the scientific development of a student right from the learning years of his/her life to further ensure better learning outcomes and productive work efficiency during his working years. STEM Education helps fill the gap between the fruitful understanding of scientific concepts and its practical implementation in the real world. If we look at the impact STEM Education has brought in, it would be fair to say that the number of doctors and engineers has increases significantly compared to previous years.Not does STEM programs help in creating more developed minds by extracting the relevant skills out of them but also contributes immensely to the country. It has been a great achievement to realize that STEM Education in India has helped many students regardless of their socio-economic background to keep pace with the latest technology and innovations. This strong foundation if introduced in students’ curriculum enables them to develop a holistic manner to learning new things. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are the fields which are considered to be the keystones of any advanced nation and conquering these four is what will make us stronger as a nation. Everything that we see today is majorly a result of these four. To make India stand on the list, it is vital to understand that advancement in the above four is a must. Now, after learning quite a bit of what STEM Education is, let us understand how it works!!

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How does STEM Education work?

As discussed above, STEM Learning mainly concentrates on the scientific and technological aspect of a student's learning program. It does so by creating in them a sense of curiosity for instance towards how things work, what is the science involved behind its working and many more on the similar lines, by also inculcating creative thinking and design thinking in them. It further extends to teaching how to be adaptive and flexible to new learning while also taking care of their personal growth. To enable its reach to the farthest of people where there are not many facilities, say the rural areas, STEM Companies or organizations that promote STEM Learning aim for a tie up with the schools with a goal of maximizing the number of students that can be taken under this program. While the education sector currently teaches to learn, STEM Education, on the other hand promotes implementing all that has been learned theoretically. Government efforts of upgrading the infrastructure, facilities and library management systems are also a crucial step towards promoting STEM Education.

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What will you get at SkyFi Labs?

Here at Skyfi Labs, we understand how important it is to be a part of the right learning program from the initial years itself. While STEM Education is something which is carefully designed for children of age 8 years and above, we believe, now is the time to make use of your kid’s time and make him stand out in his/her future later. The courses have been specially designed at Sky-Fi Labs keeping in mind the requirements, the time that can be devoted and the level of interest that the children have. To stand out from competition, you must have something unique and this is what we believe in too which is why we have brought for your kid some below mentioned courses that he/she can take up – You can choose between Robotics, Coding and Drones Categories- Refer to the below section for more details.

Robotics Online Courses for Kids

  1. Robotics Starter – This is a course which students belonging to 8 years of age and up can take up to learn about the interesting and fun concepts about how Robots work, function and get controlled.
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  3. Robotics Explorer – It is a wonderful course which your kid (10+) can take up right now and explore and develop expertise in the world of Robotics.
  4. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids

  5. Robotics Champion – A perfect course for children of 14 years and up which enables them to master skills in the world of robots. Join this course and be a part of an amazing journey.
  6. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids

Coding Online Courses for Kids

  1. Coding Starter – This is a course which students belonging to 8 years of age and up can take up to learn about the basic yet fun concepts on coding.
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  3. Coding Explorer – It is a perfect course which your kid (if 11+) can take up right now and explore and develop expertise in the world of Coding.
  4. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids

  5. Coding Champion – An amazing course for children of 14 years and above which enables them to master skills in the world of coding. Save your seat and be a part of an amazing journey now.
  6. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids

Drones Online Courses for Kids

  1. Drones Starter – An extremely fun course which students belonging to 8 years of age and up can take up to learn about the basics of Drones and get started with the world of Drones Technology.
  2. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids

  3. Drones Explorer – It is a perfect course which your kid (if 10+) can take up right now and explore and develop expertise in the world of Drones Technology.
  4. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids

  5. Drones Champion – This course is designed for children of 14 years and above which enable them to master skills in the world of drones. Save your seat and be a part of an amazing journey now.
  6. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids

What will your kid receive?

  • Kit/Software Tools
  • One on one online live classes
  • Smart Certificate
  • Personalized Classes

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What will your child be a part of?

  • Working Projects
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Creativity and Problem Solving
  • Confidence and Exposure

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Don’t wait for too long! Hurry up and make your kid join a course now! Hope this article was of some use to you. Check out our website for more information and get in touch with our experts to help your child ace today!

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Simple Robotics Project kits for Kids

Published on 14 Dec 2021. Written by Akshay Balasubramaniyan

Simple Robotics Project kits for Kids


We shall learn about few robotic kits in this post. The first and maybe the most critical need is for robots to be true. Yes, in books, televisions, and movies, there is a lot of robotics in fiction but nowadays, some real robots are working in the world. The extremely distinctive design and work of robots is another message at the present. In essence, the robots you can immediately recognize are not noted. We saw that real robots in the world differed greatly. We saw weapons utilized in plants. We saw them. We've seen it. We saw wheel-powered robots. We've seen leg robots. We have seen robots fly, robots fly below the ocean, robots fly over the sea. We examined robots with a wide variety of recognized capabilities. The shape and development of the planet's robot are highly dependent on what it has to do. Most of them help individuals do demanding and dangerous work. When there is a risk of disagreement, the design of the aircraft is like settled aviation or a helicopter. It includes a supply system that must travel across the lake's surface following a watercraft. The application of robots is quite rapid. The robot is presently highly reliable, very accurate, and made at unbelievably lavish levels when a robot manufacturer from the '60s looks at it and compares it to a robot.

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Simple Electronics School Projects

Published on 02 Dec 2021. Written by Akshay Balasubramaniyan

Simple Electronics School Projects


In this article, we will discuss several new e-school projects for students of all ages. Electronics can be simply defined as the field of science that deals with the movement and control of electrons, as well as the behavior and influence of electrons in voids, gases, and semiconductors, and the use of such electrons. We will study many simple projects to allow students to get involved in the field of electronics. Electronics is one of the most important basic skills taught to children because it is necessary to have a basic understanding of electronics before doing many interesting computer sciences and robotics projects.

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Educational Robotics For Kids

Published on 04 Jan 2021. Written by Ria Singhal

Educational Robotics

-By Ria Singhal

  Educational Robotics

Summary –

Robotics is a whole new world full of excitement and fun. It basically deals with understanding how robots are made, how they work, function and what goes into controlling them. Robotics as a field has been challenging as more is always less here. As exciting as it is for scientists and IT engineers, it is for kids too. It is an extremely fascinating concept that has to date maintained kids’ interest throughout. Robotics is a world beyond robots. It involves artificial intelligence, machine learning and understanding how to make robots react to a situation in a similar way as a human would. This article mainly draws the reader's attention to this amazing topic, “Educational Robotics''. Apart from understanding what the term means, other questions like “Why learning about Robotics is important at an early age” and “What SkyFi Labs provides for your kids” will also be touched upon. Let’s get started!

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What is Educational Robotics and why do we need them?

This term essentially comprises two very important terms. “Education” and “Robotics”. In simple words, it means using education the right way to understand the functioning of robots and at the same time build them so that they are of great use to the society around them. As fun as it may sound to see robots work, it is also important to learn about their working properly which we will learn about in the later section. Now talking about their needs, in simple words, to replicate the functioning of a human being and to essentially ease out people’s work life is why we need robots. Making decisions at par with human intelligence in areas like medical sciences, healthcare, money related frauds and so many to count is what the primary expectation from robots is. Understanding how a human would react to a situation or how/she would make the right decision to deliver the best results are some of the questions we should think about before we build a robot.

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How do Robots work?

To those wondering about how they actually work, here’s a bit of an explanation. Consider the following piece of information to understand. Everything around us requires a set of procedures and rules that are to be followed in order to make it work properly. The same is the case with robots. To make them do even the smallest of work, an algorithm is required. This algorithm basically means a piece of code written in any programming language such as Python, Java, C/C++ etc. These algorithms are then fed into machines to make them perform a set of actions. This is pretty much similar to how fields like “Artificial Intelligence” and “Machine Learning” also work. The more efficient the code is, the more efficient the working of the robot becomes. As described previously, Coding is an integral part of robotics. It is appreciated if there is some experience of knowing any language from before because it then becomes a little easier to relate things but even that is not compulsory. But if you are a stranger to this, you need not worry at all as you are going to learn from the very basics here. All you need to have is persistence and dedication in your learning. Now having known about what educational robotics is, it is now time to learn why it is important to study about robotics from an early age.

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Why is it important to get started with it at an early age?

This is one crucial question that parents today need to understand. With technology growing at an exponential rate and with almost everything becoming digital, it is of extreme importance that we also move along with time. Right from a kid’s initial growing years, he/she must be taught concepts like robotics, Artificial Intelligence while slightly touching upon coding to build a strong foundation of the real world for them. To keep your child at pace with the latest technology, it is nearly impossible to keep them away from its functioning. Children if made aware of these basic concepts right from their initial years undoubtedly gather more benefits in their lives later than others. You must be worrying and wondering that if this is so important, then what is the right approach to make your child enter the world of technology? You must fret not as the team here at SkyFi Labs has carefully designed the projects for your child, fulfilling all the requirements yet making them an extremely fun journey. Head on to the next section to learn about the courses that you can choose for your kid now!

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Courses offered at Sky-Fi Labs?

Here are some courses that you can motivate your child to take up during their free time. This will provide them with a chance to grow and build a strong foundation.

  1. Robotics Starter Summer Camp- An exciting course where your kid of 8 years and above will get to learn about Robots from the very basics.
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  3. Robotics Explorer Summer Camp – A great course for children of ten years and above who will get to learn, code and build robots from their home.
  4. Robotics Champion Summer Camp – A perfect course specially designed for children of age 14+ to help them learn C language and about the fun world of Robots.
  5. Coding Starter Summer Camp- This course will help your kid of 8 years and above learn about Coding from the very basics.
  6. Coding Explorer Summer Camp – Teach your children (age 11+) the magic of coding and help them build exciting projects.
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  8. Coding Champion Summer Camp – An amazing course specially designed for children of age 14+ to help them learn Android App Development at their convenience.
  9. Drones Starter Summer Camp- With the help of this course, your child will get to learn about drones from the start.
  10. Drones Explorer Summer Camp – A great course for children of ten years and above who will get to learn, code and build drones based projects from their home.
  11. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids


  12. Drones Champion Summer Camp - Children of age 14+ will get to deep dive into drones and build strong projects as a part of this exciting course.
  13. Book a free trial & learn more about online robotics classes for kids


    The above projects are extremely informative, interesting and pocket friendly. Save your kid a seat as soon as possible and help him/her build a strong future for him/herself. Apart from this, your kid will receive immense benefits such as – smart certificate at the end of the course, one on one live classes, project kit at your doorstep, personal doubt classes and perfect guidance every time he/ she needs. After reading this article, you must have realised by now how important it is for your child to stand out from the crowd. It would be possible only when there is interest, consistency and hard work throughout. The concept of Robotics is extremely fun and fruitful too and the right understanding of it can really bring wonders. To make all your problems resolved, Sky-Fi Labs has done the work for you. All you need to do is to hurry and give your child a seat as soon as possible. For any confusion or queries, please do reach out to us on our website, get in touch with our experts and see your child excel.

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7 Reasons for a child to join a Robotics team

Published on 22 Sep 2020. Written by Ankita Gupta

7 Reasons why your child should join a Robotics team

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the future of technologies. We all know that it is going to be there in the future and the rate at which we are getting results, that future doesn’t seem so far.

Soon enough, there are going to be robots that will not only do simple tasks but will also solve our difficult queries simultaneously.

It is wise to learn about the future that our kids are going to be a part of; hence it is not only a need but a necessity for kids to understand the importance of robotics in education and to indulge in that fun robotics club activities.

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Tips to increase the chances of winning World Robot Olympiad

Published on 15 Sep 2020. Written by Athulya menon

Tips to increase the chances of winning World Robot Olympiad

There has been a renewed interest in recent times for robotics competitions. The world is still grappling with constant changes and updates in science and technology. Robotics competitions help young children develop an innate interest for STEM subjects. Most people believe that the future will be heavily science-oriented. As a result, more and more parents want to encourage their children to develop their skills in science. However, most children are intimidated by science and maths. But, fun competitions and games help children overcome this fear. Robotic competitions go a long way in helping children develop an interest for STEM, and showcase their talents. In this article, we will be taking a look at one of the world’s biggest robotics competitions - the World Robot Olympiad. Here are some tips to win World Robot Olympiad, and why such World Robot competitions are so important. 

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8 Benefits of Participating in Robotics competitions for kids

Published on 15 Sep 2020. Written by Athulya menon

8 Benefits of Participating in Robotics competitions for kids

Today’s world is very fast-moving. Science and technology have ensured that digital trends come and go with astonishing speed in this new age. As a result, parents often find themselves unsure of what path to set for their children. While kids must pick out their own courses, it is great if parents could open them to new options early on. Not only does this provide the child with a larger variety of options, but it also ensures they pick up essential skills. Robotics is one of those fields that are at the forefront of the significant change we are experiencing now. Hence, a lot of parents are eager to let their children explore robotics. How big a part does robotics competitions for kids play in encouraging them? How important are these robotics competitions for students when it comes to motivating them? In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the benefits of robotics competitions for children and why they are essential. 

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How to build a prize-winning robot for BEST robotics competition?

Published on 15 Sep 2020. Written by Athulya menon

How to build a prize-winning robot for BEST robotics competition?

Competitions are great opportunities for individuals and teams to better their skills and pick up new skills. They provide the contestants with chances to test their strengths and explore their weaknesses. In fact, competitions are fun ways to see how good or bad you are. As a result, all competitions give individuals a chance to improve and get better. Robotic competitions have become quite popular in the last decade or so. One of the biggest and most competitive of such matches is the annual BEST robotic competition. In this article, we will take a look at an overview of the BEST robotics competition and discuss some tips for the BEST Robotics competition. 

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A quick guide to MakeX robotics competition

Published on 15 Sep 2020. Written by Athulya menon

A quick guide to MakeX robotics competition

Parents are pushing their children for a career in STEM more than ever before. As a result, anything that helps children develop an interest in science has gained popularity. Robotics serves as a fun and exciting way to introduce both programming and electronics to children. Hence, around the world, robotics competitions are gaining a lot of momentum. Several international kids robotics competitions encourage young students to explore robotics. One of the most important of such competitions is the MakeX robotics competition. Over the years, the MakeX robotics competition has gained a lot of media attention due to its fun combination of games and learning. In this article, we will look at the MakeX robotics competition, and some tips for the MakeX robotics competition to ensure you do well. 

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  • ✔ 2nd Best Business Venture Award, Ideas'12, IIT Kanpur
  • ✔ 30 Most Promising Startups, Next Big Idea'12, IIM Bangalore
  • ✔ Runner Up, UnLtd India Growth Challenge 2013
  • ✔ Limca Book of records for conducting largest Aeromodelling event in India
  • ✔ Experience of training students across 26 states in India and Dubai
  • ✔ Officially a part of IIT Delhi course and IIT Kanpur Orientation Program for freshers
  • ✔ Venture funded by The Chennai Angels & Spark Capital
  • ✔ A Venture by IIT Kanpur alumni