Civil Engineering

Top 21 Final Year Civil Engineering Projects (Videos Included)


Now that you are reaching your final semester, you are almost a civil engineer. Finally, it is time to put everything you learned over the past 3.5 years to test. It is time to build one solid final year project, which will be one of your first proper projects, which will probably stick to your resume for a very long time. It is essential to choose a good topic for your final year project. There are various areas to pick from, like structural engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, etc. Choose the area which interests you the most and find a suitable topic in that domain.

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1. GIS

2. Structural & Foundation Analysis

3. Tall Building Design

4. Foundation Design

5. Construction Project Management

6. Building Information Modelling

7. Seismic Design

8. Project Management with Primavera

9. Quantity Surveying

10. ETABS Software

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What are the problems in civil engineering?

Civil engineering as a whole has developed a lot over the years. The constructions are way more advanced, and with the rapid growth of technology, every structure is just becoming more advanced and friendly. However, due to such rapid development, the engineers also face problems in keeping up. Some of the most commonly occurring problems are:

  • Maintenance of existing infrastructure- Most of the existing infrastructure today is old and deficient in multiple aspects. It is impossible to demolish all the structures and build them again. Thus, the only solution is to modify them as per the different retrofit options constantly.
  • Constructions in calamity-affected areas- Calamity affected areas require quick construction with minimal resources to provide relief to the people. It is a huge challenge to construct stable infrastructure in such areas, that too in a short period with the relief funds. It is a huge challenge for civil engineers as they are under the pressure of bringing the people to lives back on track as soon as possible.
  • Environment-friendly construction- With the increasing change in climate, eco-friendly structures have become extremely important. It is a new concept, and gradually different countries have started working on it. It is a challenging task for a civil engineer to design such structures.

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What are the benefits of a civil engineer?

What are the benefits of a civil engineer?

Civil engineers are extremely vital for the development of the world as a whole. They are the pillars of the construction industry, and without them, the industry would cease to exist. Some of the benefits of a civil engineer are:

  • There is a constant learning scope in the field. Technology is constantly evolving, and engineers often come across new problems. It allows them to learn and get better at their work constantly.
  • This is a very exciting domain as it involves both on-site and off-site work. Civil engineers are constantly faced with new challenges, which make their job all the more exhilarating.
  • The results of the work done can be seen every day by everyone. Whether the engineer is working on-site or not, everyone is aware of what he is doing. Be it the designs or the reports, and people around are aware of the constant progress.
  • The success of their work is celebrated by hundreds of people. It can be in the form of people living in a building or cars running on a bridge. Their work is visible to all and appreciated by all.

Types of Civil Engineering Projects

Civil engineering topics are broadly classified into five major types that are structural engineering, construction and management engineering, water engineering, transport engineering, and geotechnical engineering. The concepts are taken from these forms and applied for the construction of productive structures. 

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How to choose a project topic?

Often, we see the students getting confused about their projects in the final year of engineering. Therefore, they tend to find ideas that are either too common or too easy to create. Before selecting a topic, you must keep in mind the following checklist. 

  • Demand in the market.
  • Efficient enough for a particular space.
  • It should be out of the box so that it attracts the professors.
  • Proper research on the topic and prepare a draft before starting.
  • Make sure you select something you are confident about and just don’t go blankly into it.
  • Discuss with experts for gaining more information.

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Top Final year projects for civil engineering students

1.Geographic Information System using Q-GIS

If you are fascinated by the technology behind Google Maps and wish to learn more about it, this is the perfect project for you. This project will give you the exciting opportunity to create your own Geographic Information System using Q-GIS software. Starting from a simple map, you will move to map an entire park while learning about the methods used for data collection, processing, and manipulation for the same. It will also help you get hands-on experience with important concepts like shortest distance finder, affine transformation, contour creation, and geo-processing.

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2.Structural and Foundation Analysis

If you wish to pursue a future in the construction line, structural engineering should be your strong point. This project will help in strengthening your knowledge about the structural and foundation designs of tall buildings, and seismic designs using SAP2000, ETABS, and SAFE software. It will further help you learn about frame analysis, application of wind and seismic loads, analysis and design of shallow foundations, project report regeneration, reinforcement detailing and scheduling.

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3.Construction Project Management & Building Information Modeling

As we’re entering the era of smart cities and skyscrapers, the demand for quality BIM engineers has just been increasing. This project will prepare you to be one such engineer before you start working. It will help you learn about project concepts and BIM using Primavera and Graphisoft Archicad software. You will also get to explore concepts like CPM & PERT, 3D Mass modeling, earned value management, resource management, and budget and rendering techniques.

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4.Tall Building Design

With the increasing number of skyscrapers around the world, the demand for skilled civil engineers is also increasing. This project will allow you to understand and work on the considerations taken during the design of tall buildings, and about the varied loads acting on them using SAP2000 and ETABS software. It will let you design your building and further learn about frame analysis, project report generation, application of loads, and reinforcement detailing and scheduling.

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5.Seismic Design using SAP2000 & ETABS

Whenever a place is affected by an earthquake, many buildings collapsed and thousands of people lose their lives. With the advancement in technology, engineers now construct seismic-resistant buildings. This project will help you design one such building using SAP2000 & ETABS software based on IS codes. It will also help you gain information about ideas like time history method, response spectrum method, frame analysis, application of seismic loads, linear and non-linear dynamic analysis.

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6. Quantity Surveying


This civil project helps students to understand the fundamentals of constructing a structure to an advanced level. It will help learn how to make design and estimate the costing needed for the project as a whole. In this phase of the project, Archicad and Primavera software will be used. 

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7. ETABS Software


This civil software is the foundation of structural engineering and should have a gist of it for all those who want to build a career in. In this civil project, you'll be introduced from basic, intermediate to advanced level to all three levels of ETABS software. 

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8. Soil Excavation Analysis using PLAXIS 2D

This civil project is based on understanding the soil below for various construction purposes especially dams. You are going to build a robot that will be powered by a mobile phone using DTMF technology. 

9. Diagrid Structure Analysis Using ETABS

This civil project is based on building diagonal structures in a building since they are capable of resisting the gravity loads and provide lateral stability. ETABS software is used to build this structure. 

10. Effect of Shear Wall on I-Shaped Building

Due to scarce flat grounds most of the buildings are built on slopes which makes construction difficult. Therefore, this civil project is based on understanding buildings made both on flat grounds and sloping grounds and the usage of shear walls on such buildings.

11. Wind Load Analysis on Buildings of Varying Heights Using ETABS

With rising skyscrapers, the problems of wind effects have been ignored and since modern technology is based on making lightweight structures these are more prone to top destruction caused by winds. This civil project is based on making efficient buildings that can withstand the harmful effects caused by the wind.

12. Use of Steel Bracings for Retrofitting Reinforced Concrete Frames

Earthquakes cause devastating effects on main structures; therefore, this civil project helps in understanding such buildings and making steel bracings for withstanding stronger quakes. ETABS software is used to understand the tolerance level of the building and accordingly refitting is done or is either entirely replaced.

13. Green Building

In addition to technology, engineers have been working to make buildings that are environmentally friendly. These will have more greenery around them and will reduce the use of toxic materials. Because of its level of sustainability, this civil project is more in demand. 

14. Water tank

Saving our resources has become the need of the hour and this project is based on an age-old process of building water tanks that can be used for various uses. Efficient models are to be designed t holding capacity of water without any leakages.

15. Technique for Improving Railway Embankment

With the increased demand for using railways for transporting and travelling there has been a need for constructing efficient tracks. This project is based on understanding the subsoil structure after construction and also ensuring no slip failure.

16. Ground Improvement using stone Column

Due to growing population infrastructures are increasing and it has become important to make efficient quality structures. The stone columns have been used to solve large space problems and time constraints. It helps to strengthen the vitality of the city and to create a stronger base. 

17. Use of Augmented Reality in Construction

Certain construction takes long hours and gets monotonous, the advancement of technology like Augmented Reality helps in reducing errors and work is done quite fast.

18. ArsenicRemoval from Groundwater by coagulation process

Groundwater has become essential in the past few years due to the depletion of other water resources. However due to the disposal of waste products mainly arsenic products these waters have become contaminated. This civil project is based on the removal of toxic arsenic materials from groundwater using the coagulation process.

19. Mivan Formwork technology

With a growing population, there has been an increasing need for infrastructure. The Mivan formwork is one that has evolved in this era of crowded cities and towns to build structures. Aluminium formwork is used for building housing structures and engineers will be learning the methodology of this.

20. UAV Mapping System application

Advancement in the mapping system has spread its vastness to creating aerial mapping systems by controlling it from remote locations. This civil cum aeronautical project is based on building a drone structure with a camera fitted in it to understand the areas where it gets difficult for a man to reach. This is mainly used for understanding forest areas, urban planning, forest floods, topographical survey, etc.

21. Parking management in urban areas

The cites nowadays are facing major problems with sufficient parking spaces. This project is based on making various types of such spaces for efficient parking system such as

  • Multi-storeyed car parking complex,
  • Hydraulic lifting system,
  • Elevator type or tower parking system,
  • Vertical rotary type and
  • Puzzle type.

Some Other Project Ideas Are Given Below

I hope you got some good project ideas from this article. If you are very much interested to learn and develop a civil project but don’t know where to start. We at Skyfi Labs has developed some online project-based courses for civil students you can make use of those courses to develop your skills.

Check out this link for more project ideas

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Top 21 Final Year Civil Engineering Projects (Videos Included)
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-06-13

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