Civil Engineering

7 best major projects for civil engineering students


“My building will be my legacy. They will speak for me, long after gone!”

         -Julia Morgan

Civil Engineering is a branch of engineering whose main purpose is to build and create new foundations and buildings. Maybe that's why civil engineers say that date a civil engineer because we won't leave you heartbroken. After all, we believe in building up things not breaking!

Just Kidding! :p

The whole world is blessed by a lot of monuments, museums and tourist places that are built by some of the great civil engineers from the 7 wonders of the world to roads, building, etc.

Similarly, in this article, we will discuss the 7 best major projects for civil engineering students.

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1. GIS

2. Structural & Foundation Analysis

3. Tall Building Design

4. Foundation Design

5. Construction Project Management

6. Building Information Modelling

7. Seismic Design

8. Project Management with Primavera

9. Quantity Surveying

10. ETABS Software

Everything has been given a finishing touch by civil engineers!

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What is civil engineering?

The branch of engineering which deals with the designing, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally build environment including public works and structural components like buildings, roads, airports, canals, etc is known as Civil Engineering, and the students pursuing this are known as civil engineers.

Learn more about civil major projects

Why go for civil engineering?

  1. Civil Engineers have chances of getting a government job in almost all sectors.
  2. It is an engineering branch that is a job creator, not a job seeker.
  3. Having mastery in this branch can help you in adding architectural wonders to the world.
  4. A good career option for the ones interested in drawing and crafting.

Below are some civil projects or say major civil engineering projects you can start with.

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7 best major projects for civil engineering students

1. GIS


Having difficulty in finding places or looking for a place and its reviews?

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Google Maps?Right!

Well! No doubt that’s the most used app for navigation nowadays, but what if you learned this amazing technology and make a navigation software of your own.

In this civil major project, you will get an exposure to the manipulation and processing of data, along with which you will learn about the shorter distance founder.

What you will learn?

You can add a lot of new skills to your knowledge with tutorials, video lectures, and quizzes on the following topics:

1)Shortest Distance Finder

2)Affine Transformation

3)Data processing and manipulation

4)Geoprocessing and contour creation

5)Processing real-time GPS data.

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2. Tall building design


According to the recent reports, skyscrapers are the future of every developing country, so learning about them and having a practice of working and creating a sample of them will give you an edge over others and will add an extra quality to your present skills.

You will learn about the design building analysis of tall buildings also about the varied loads acting on the system with the use of industrial-grade software (SAP2000 & ETABS) to analyze and design your very own tall structure considering the loads according to IS codes.

What you will learn?

  1. Application of waves and seismic loads.
  2. Frame Analysis
  3. Reinforcement detailing and scheduling
  4. Frame Analysis

Learn more about Tall Building Design

3. Construction Project Management:


Want to do something big!

This is where you will learn about how a construction project is managed like from planning, budgeting, implementing, etc by software.

Well, this one can be something really big because here you will get the opportunity to work with Primavera Software, along with this you will learn about the earned value management, Resource Management, CPM, PERT and project budgeting techniques.

Learn more about CPM

4. Foundation design


Love Challenges? Well then, this one is for you! Foundation design is one of the most challenging projects that you could give a hand on.

Foundation Design for tall buildings over 100 m height is a challenging area.

Complex analysis and design methodologies are required to study the structures of the geotechnical areas, also you can learn how to generate a project report.

In this civil major project, you will also get a boost up to about the foundation systems, reinforcement detailing and scheduling.

What you will learn?

  1. Generation of Project Reports
  2. Reinforcement detailing and scheduling
  3. Design of isolated, combined and mat footings
  4. Foundation Systems.

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5. Seismic design


Seismic word sounds familiar Right? Well yes If you go into a bit of flashback then you realize this word is associated with earthquakes.

Earthquakes are very common nowadays, but, sadly earthquake-resistant buildings are not, and that's the main reason Seismic design is the most in-demand skill and a skill that is highly needed in the future. You will work on this project with industrial-grade software (SAP2000 & ETABS)

Also, this civil major project will help you by bringing a big change in the future for handling high Richter scale earthquakes from destroying life and property.

What you will learn?

  1. Linear and Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis.
  2. Time history Management
  3. Response Spectrum Method
  4. Application of Seismic loads
  5. Frame Analysis

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6. Quantity surveying


Quantity Surveying as the term represents the estimation of a quantity which in terms of civil engineering is the estimation of various construction projects like the number of rooms, hall, kitchen, bathrooms in a building, the length, width, height and the construction details of the building to be made.

This is related to calculation and measurement. Also, you can learn about the Archicad and Primavera software.

What you will learn?

  1. Perform Quantity Surveying Operations
  2. Using Archicad and Primavera Software for the verification of your calculations.

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Did you know?


This 829.9m long monument is the tallest building in the world made up of an engineering technology inspired by the “buttressed core”-an engineering structural system with a hexagonal core which helps to support higher buildings than ever before.

Its architecture was inspired by the patterns and structure of Islamic Architecture.

It has also received a lot of rewards like the building with the most number of floors, with a structural cost of $1.5 billion.

Explore all civil major projects

7 best major projects for civil engineering students
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-05

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