If you are reading this, you are standing and living on the roots of an environment built by civil engineers. Be it your workplace, your favorite shopping complex or the long road you love to travel on. Everything is being made by our greatest civil engineers to date. And if you are one among those who are keen to design or construct your own masterpiece right here on this planet, let’s first give you an idea of what civil engineering is all about. In this article we, will be covering what is civil engineering and mini-projects that can be done by civil engineers during their academics.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
Discover more about civil engineering
Civil Engineering is one of the important domains in engineering. It deals with creative thinking, constructive designing, and building. It also focuses on maintaining physical structures in an environment. This domain deals with private as well as public sectors. They include roads, buildings, dams, bridges, towers, hospitals, airports, canals and so on. In short, a civil engineer is an innovator who creates solutions for shaping a better future.
If you are a civil engineer in the making, now is the perfect time to get you started with building your own mini-projects so you can apply the basic fundamentals and principles of building and construction which can help you in your futuristic career. But before we get started, you will have to assign yourself a simple task so that your project can be helpful. All you need to do is conduct a survey to find out problems that today's construction and design is dealing with. Work on those problems to make your project innovative enough to have fewer problems. This simple task will help you understand your course of learning in a better way. It also helps you understand your project better.
Learn more about civil projects
Before we get into project building, a civil engineer must be well aware of two important features in the process, making use of Total Stations and Surveying.
The world’s most used modern surveying equipment in civil engineering and construction are Total Stations. This instrument has been a major surplus due to accurate surveys and hence recommended by most industries to bring trained engineers who are well versed in Total Stations and its use since our Indian education system lacks this trending yet important aspect in the curriculum.
Surveying comes hand in hand with Total Stations. Without vigorous surveys made for a particular build-up, it makes the task of the engineer less simple and consumes more time trying to rectify problems that would arise in the making.
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Keeping these two aspects in mind, we can now move ahead to some interesting mini projects you can work on in your course of study. Here at Skyfi Labs, we provide the best of knowledge relevant to your interest and deliver the best and expected outcome from your end by providing a demo and also building kits for your project. To know more, visit our webpage.
Explore more about civil engineering
1. Geographic Information System
Were you fascinated when you first used Google maps and blown away by its accurate predictions and the time you would take to reach your destination? Now you can learn this at your very own pace on how it works. In this civil mini project, you will learn how your favorite navigation application works. With the help of Total Station data, the course will help you create your own simple park map and head to a complex map and transforms that local data into global data. By the end of this course, you will know how to process real-time GPS data, Affine transformation, Find the shortest distance, Geoprocessing, and contour creation and much more.
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Civil Engineering Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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2. Tall Building Design
If we read today’s statistics on civil engineering, the domain is falling short on skilled civil engineers and thus needs more skill in this field to make the work easier. From a recent report, there has been a conclusion that there is a high possibility of building a mile-high skyscraper in the years to come. This means our budding engineers will have to learn more about tall building design, structure, and analysis. To make this easier for you, Skyfi Labs is offering a project-based course to help you make your own tall building. You will learn the application of wind and seismic loads that acts on the buildings. You will also learn frame designing, scheduling and reinforcement and much more.
3. Seismic Design
Due to climate changes and global warming, our planet is more prone to earthquakes and natural disasters. It is not the earthquakes that would kill us, it’s the buildings. If our buildings are made more seismic-resistant, we are less likely to be affected by the disaster. In this civil mini project, you will learn how to make use of design considerations involved in seismic analysis and learn how various loads would act on this system. You will also use industrial-grade software (SAP2000 & ETABS) to help you design your very own seismic-resistant design of a building. Time history method, seismic load analysis, frame analysis, linear and non-linear dynamic analysis are some of the topics you will cover in this course.
4. Construction Project Management
If you are looking forward to a job in the construction industry, Construction Technology is a great start. It’s not the books and theory that needs to be learned. Knowing how to apply them in your practical life is what makes the deal. This topic is one of the many courses offered by Skyfi Labs which helps you learn the concepts of construction technology right from the basics. By enrolling for this course, you will gain an ample amount of experience for your job. You will have a better understanding once you are able to cover up topics from this course. These include Tall building & Seismic analysis and design, construction project management, Building information, and modeling and much more. If you think this is the domain in the civil industry that you want to master, then this the right course.
These were a few highlighted mini project ideas that you can focus on while you pursue your degree. It is the skill that matters to make your project a big boon to society. So, let us all help in building a better tomorrow and become problem solvers.
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