Design Analysis of a Gerotor Oil Pump with Hydrodynamic Effect
Sankarsan Mohanty

In India, pumps are largely used in agriculture and Automobile sector. When it comes to oil pumps it holds 8% of the total market share which is around 700cr. So, having deep knowledge in this field makes an engineer employable. In this project, you are going to work on designing a Gerotor pump and optimizing it so that flow rate can be maximized and flow ripple can be minimized.
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To implement this project, you have to learn the designing principles behind making a Gerotor pump. According to that, design your own Gerotor and purpose a new set of lobes so that the efficiency of the pump is increased. While designing give more importance to minimize the flow ripple as it can directly increase pump performance and reduce noise. Then, you have to analyze your design using any simulation software. While analyzing consider the hydrodynamic effect of fluid. After analyzing validate your result with existing experimental solution.
Project Description:
- Pump: A pump is a mechanical device which pressurizes fluid by mechanical action and moves it from one place to another.
- Gerotor Pump: A Gerotor pump is a type of internal gear pump which is mainly used for pumping Oils in a lubrication system. It has a rotor which is nothing but the internal gear and an idler which is the external gear. The working principle of this motor is very simple. When the liquid enters the suction port between the rotor and idler, it gets compressed because of the relative motion of both gears. This compressed liquid comes out of the pump at the discharge port as the inside pump pressure is higher than the outside.
- Flow Ripple: Flow ripple is nothing but the variation in flow rate coming out of a pump per cycle. Minimizing flow ripple increases the efficiency of the pump and reduces noise.
- Hydrodynamic Boundary layer: In a fluid flow Hydrodynamic boundary layer occurs immediately adjacent to the surface because of stick-slip phenomena in fluid dynamics. This boundary layer is more important because viscous effect only occurs in this reason, after which there is no viscous effect and we call that reason as a potential reason.
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Project Implementation:
- At first do some research on the Mechanical pump, types of pump and their working principle.
- Then, learn deep about how a Gerotor pump works and how to design and maximize the efficiency of a Gerotor pump.
- According to your knowledge design a Gerotor pump and prepare a CAD model of it using solid modeling tool, CATIA.
- Then analyze your design by importing your CAD model in AcuSolve software. While setting boundary considers the hydrodynamic boundary layer and chose Oil as your fluid.
- From the result of the analysis, modify your dimensions in the CAD model and analyze it again. Keep repeating this step until you get the optimum design.
- Compare your result data with existing experimental result to validate your design.
Project Brief: After successful completion of this project you would have a better understanding of pumps and flow characteristics of Oil inside a Gerotor pump.
Software requirements:
- CATIA: This is one of the popular solid modelling software made by Dassault System. You will use this software to design your machine structure.
- AcuSolve: You will be needing this software to perform CFD analysis and visualizing the result.
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Kit required to develop Design Analysis of a Gerotor Oil Pump with Hydrodynamic Effect:
Technologies you will learn by working on Design Analysis of a Gerotor Oil Pump with Hydrodynamic Effect:
Design Analysis of a Gerotor Oil Pump with Hydrodynamic Effect
Skyfi Labs
2018-10-16 •
Last Updated: