Design and simulation of a jet engine nozzle using ANSYS ICEM CFD

A nozzle is a relatively simple device, just a specially shaped tube through which hot gases flow. The purpose of the nozzle, in subsonic flow, is to constrict the airflow, thus critically increasing the thrust as it leaves the engine.
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There are numerous varieties of nozzles to select from, such as two-dimensional (2D), axi-symmetric, plug, ejector. Final nozzle concept selection should be based on the functional requirements of a particular program or vehicle. Each concept should be evaluated based on its merits as compared to the important program parameters.
ICEM is a software developed by ICEM CFD engineering which provides classy geometry tools for mesh generation, pre-processing and mesh optimization tools. It is used for manufacturing applications such as computational fluid dynamics and mechanical analysis.
ANSYS ICEM CFD software supports a wider range of direct CAD boundaries and geometry, Components from diverse formats can simply be combined within one meshing assembly.
- Save the project
- Go to geometry- create a point
- Explicit location input as 0, 0, 0 for x, y, z-axis respectively
- Create the block for the nozzle by giving the required dimensions.
- Go to dimensions- Give the required dimensions for inlet, outlet, axis, and wall.
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- Go to the concept- create the surface
- Now generate the geometry.
- Go to the mesh option.
- Right-click on mesh option- select insert-sizing.
- In detail of sizing select geometry and apply after selecting all the 4 edges of the nozzle.
- Give a number of divisions as 100 and generate the mesh.
- In-tree page- Select solver as Pressure based.
- Select velocity formulation as Absolute.
- Select time- Steady.
- Select 2D space- Axisymmetric (only for 0degree).
- Click on the model- Select viscous as K epsilon (2 eq) & press done.
- Click on materials-Select Air as fluid and Aluminium as solid.
- Click on cell zone conditions- Select operating conditions and see that operating pressure is 101325Pa.
- Click on boundary conditions-Select inlet-velocity inlet- 100m/s.
- Select outlet- outlet pressure (gauge pressure as 0 itself) and press done.
- Click on reference value- Compute from the inlet.
- Click on initialization- Select standard initialization and compute from the inlet and initialize.
- Click on run calculation and calculate for 1000 iterations (till when the curve converges) and calculate.
- Go to results- Insert contour
- Go to geometry – For domain select all domains.
- For location select periodic 1.
- For variable select Velocity.
- For Range select global and apply.
- Result is displayed.
- Go to Function calculator- In function select MassflowAve.
- For location select outlet and calculate.
- Now to calculate pressure, mass flow average of pressure on the outlet, velocity, force- Go to function and select respective functions.
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Kit required to develop Design and simulation of a jet engine nozzle using ANSYS ICEM CFD:
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Design and simulation of a jet engine nozzle using ANSYS ICEM CFD
Skyfi Labs
2019-08-20 •
Last Updated: