Raspberry Pi
Digilock using Raspberry pi
Naveen Lakkundi

The security is very much needed everywhere, it can be in the home, office or anywhere. In this project, you will build a digital lock, this locking system opens only when you give the exact passkey.
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In this project you will need a Raspberry Pi, stepper motor, keypad, and a Power supply for the Raspberry Pi. You will be using a Linux based OS for Raspberry Pi and some configuring files.
Project Description:
- Raspberry Pi 3 B: Raspberry Pi is a Microprocessor which has 40 pins with 27 GPIO pins, it has a 1 GigaBytes of RAM and an SD card slot for the storage or the ROM,it can be used as a mini computer for low computing operations, it has a dual-band LAN, faster Ethernet, Bluetooth, it also has USB and HDMI ports for connecting devices. This device can be used as a server which we are doing in this project.
- Micro SD card: You will need a minimum of 8 gigabytes SD card for this project, this SD card is used as the ROM of the raspberry pi. Use 32 Gigabyte or 64 Gigabytes of
- Display: You can use any kind of display for the project, like monitors, TV or any size display that fits your requirement to configure the Pi.
- Power Supply: Raspberry Pi needs a power supply of 5V and 2A Micro USB type.
- Mouse and keyboard: You will need this to control, monitor, and to configure the Pi.
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- Keypad Module: Keypad module is used to enter the security code to open the gate or the door, it is basically a number pad which takes the security code as the input.
- LCD display:The Liquid crystal display or electronically modulated optical device uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals. The liquid crystals do not emit light directly, they use the backlight or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome.
- Stepper Motor: Stepper motors or the stepping motors are brushless DC motors which divide the full rotation into equal different steps. The motor's position can then be commanded to move and hold at one of these steps without any position sensor or feedback
Project Implementation:
- Install the Raspbian OS into the SD card, and boot the Raspberry Pi.
- Install Python IDE 3 in Raspberry Pi.
- Connect your Display, keypad to the raspberry pi.
- Write a Python program with which you can add the numeric password from the keypad and then use this password to open the door or the gate.
- The data acquired from the keypad is sent to the raspberry pi and then processed and depending on this data the door can be unlocked or locked.
Project Brief:The Raspberry Pi when configured and all the required software has been installed then the Pi is ready to be used as a digital lock, you have to save your passkey first, and when you want to enter the house or your office you will be asked for the passkey, type the passkey on the keypad and you can enter if the key is verified. The door or the gate open with the help of the stepper motor when the passkey is verified.
Software requirements:
- Raspbian OS(Debian Linux): Raspbian operating systems are based on Linux, Raspberry pi are also compatible with Windows and IOS but prefer any Linux based OS
- Python IDE 3: Python IDE 3 is compiler where you can write and compile python program.
Programing Language:
Linux (terminal commands)
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Kit required to develop Digilock using Raspberry pi:
Technologies you will learn by working on Digilock using Raspberry pi:
Digilock using Raspberry pi
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-21 •
Last Updated: