Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Clusters
Naveen Lakkundi

Supercomputing clusters are multiple computers which are connected and interlinked with each other, these computers are set to function for a specific task where each computer contributes to the function or the specific task.
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In this project, you will need multiple Raspberry Pis, and common a Power supply for the Raspberry Pi, 8 gigabytes SD cards for al the Raspberry Pis, Ethernet switch, display, keyboard, and mouse to configure the Pi. You will be using a Linux based OS for Raspberry Pi and some software like MPI and Fortron.
Project Description:
- Raspberry Pi 3 B: Raspberry Pi is a Microprocessor which has 40 pins with 27 GPIO pins, it has a 1 GigaBytes of RAM and an SD card slot for the storage or the ROM,it can be used as a mini computer for low computing operations, it has a dual band LAN, faster Ethernet, Bluetooth, it also has USB and HDMI ports for connecting devices. This device can be used as a server which we are doing in this project.
- Micro SD card: You will need a minimum of 8 gigabytes SD card for this project, this SD card is used as the ROM of the raspberry Pi.
- Display: You can use any kind of display for the project, like monitors, TV or any size that fits your requirement.
- Mouse and keyboard: You will need this to control and monitor the Wireless sensor Network.
- Ethernet Switch: The Ethernet switch is used to connect multiple devices through Local Area Network(LAN).
- Power source: Raspberry Pi needs a Power source of 5V and 2A, any power source can be used for the funtioning of the Pi.
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Project Implementation:
- Install the Raspbian OS in the SD card.
- Update and upgrade the OS.
- Download and install MPI software.
- Download and install Fortron.
- Create a Backup for this configured OS and install the OS in all the Raspberry Pi.
- Change the IP adress of all the Raspberry Pi from dynamic to static.
- Setup SSH(secure shell) to execute commands from the master Pi and allso contro the rest of the slave Pis.
- Reset the server and make sure that all the nodes that is all te Pis are configured similarly.
- Test your cluster.
Project Brief:The project lets you use all the Pis in the cluster at the same time, If the master is given some command then all the slaves also respond.
Software requirements:
- Raspbian OS(Debian Linux): Raspbian operating systems are based on Linux, Raspberry pi are also compatible with Windows and IOS but prefer any Linux based OS
Programing Language:
Linux (terminal commands)
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Kit required to develop Raspberry Pi Clusters:
Technologies you will learn by working on Raspberry Pi Clusters:
Raspberry Pi Clusters
Skyfi Labs
2018-07-12 •
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