The following projects are based on manufacturing. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using manufacturing.
Water jet cutting method is one of the material removal type of rapid prototyping technique (RPT) which is been widely used in the automotive and aerospace industry to produce the complex and precise shape on a metal with minimum time and least effort being used.
The conventional method of machining work-piece by formation of chips is very inefficient and expensive method on many counts. In view of these adverse and limiting characteristics of above conventional machining process, considerable effort has been made during the last few decades in developing and perfecting a number of newer methods, AJM is one of them which do not produce chips like conventional machining type.
Generally, scissors are used for simple paper cutting. It is a method which results in wastage of papers because of mistakes such as wrong dimensions etc., and also even a simple cutting may take a long time. Hydraulic machines are also available for paper cutting. But it is used only for heavy paper cutting & sheet metal cutting in large industries and its cost is very high. To resolve this problem, you are going to build a pneumatic system which will be rather easy to build but also work effectively during paper cutting.
A hammer is a tool or device that delivers a blow (a sudden impact) to an object. Most hammers are hand tools used to drive nails, fit parts, forge metal, and break apart objects. Hammers vary in shape, size, and structure, depending on their purposes. Hammering is the most widely used industrial as well as construction activity. The hammering of screws, metal sheets, metal parts etc. requires a lot of time and effort. So, to minimize the time and effort here you are going to build an automated hammering system.
The design and fabrication of a braking system is a difficult task. The application of brakes using vacuum in automobiles is a more difficult task in the initial stages of the work. But it has been successfully proved that such brake application is possible with the fail-safe condition. While implementing this idea on a heavy vehicle, it is better to replace the manually operated directional control valve with solenoid operated directional control valve to reduce driver effort and also it will work like a brake pedal switch. In this project, you will design and fabricate a vacuum braking system for a Train.
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This scaled rectangle loom is designed for use with a rigid heddle or for card weaving. It is basically designed for domestic use and the processed can be stalled when something else like pets, door bell etc. requires immediate attention.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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