A hammer is a tool or device that delivers a blow (a sudden impact) to an object. Most hammers are hand tools used to drive nails, fit parts, forge metal, and break apart objects. Hammers vary in shape, size, and structure, depending on their purposes. Hammering is the most widely used industrial as well as construction activity. The hammering of screws, metal sheets, metal parts etc. requires a lot of time and effort. So, to minimize the time and effort here you are going to build an automated hammering system.
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This machine will perform accurate, fast and automated hammering wherever and whenever needed using a 12V battery. The person just needs to insert the workpiece and start the hammering machine. This machine can be used for automatic hammering work as and when needed. Here you will use a dc motor in order to move the hammer. The DC motor consists of a pulley attached to it which is connected to a larger pulley for efficient power transfer and to increase torque. This large pulley is connected to a shaft that has a connecting rod attached to it. This rod is used to achieve lateral motion from the spinning shaft. We now connect the other end of a hammer to this connecting rod through a mid-swinging arrangement in order to achieve desired hammer motion with enough torque. We now use a suitable bed where workpiece can be placed.
The material you should use to build the frame of the machine is Mild steel. This is because It is the greatest material mankind has for construction. It is cheap, strong, readily available, easily cut, joined, and formed.
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Project Brief: After completion of this project you can observe that hammering process is fully automated and the time and effort required for hammering is drastically reduced.
CATIA: This is one of the popular solid modelling software made by Dassault System. You will use this software to design your machine structure.
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