Electromagnetic Engines for Transportation
Koustubh Prem

In the world of diminishing fossil fuels alternative fuel and new methods of transportation are the only way to keep the human race able to transport larger distance with ease and for this one of the ways is the introduction of electromagnetic engines in normal assembly lines for easing the transportation sector with no pollution and good efficiency for vehicles which can be used in mass transportation sectors like buses. Reciprocating internal combustion engines, e.g. Otto and Diesel cycle engines are a major factor in just about every aspect of life here and abroad. Reciprocating internal combustion engines facilitate our way of life by providing us with transportation, consumer products, safety, medical assistance, and power generation to name only a few. However, reciprocating internal combustion engines suffer from disadvantages, many of which would no longer be acceptable if there were an alternative to the use of these engines that option is provided by Electromagnetic Engines.
Project Requirements:
For this project you will be requiring a sound knowledge of working of IC engines which can help you develop this project and the concept of electromagnetism and how we can use DC current to generate an alternating DC current.
Following are the elements required for construction of this Engine:
- 3D Printer:will be required to build custom engine parts which will be light weight and strong enough to sustain engine loads.
- Neodyium Permanent Magnets:These magents will be used to provide a constant pole on the piston top.(either south or north).
- Copper Windings: Copper windings will be required to form a solenoid around the soft iron to increase the field strength of the magnetic force.
- Relay Circuit: if we are using DC current for powering of circuit we will need this to change the polarity or generally in this case cut off the current during specific time interval for effective operation.
- Soft iron Core: used to increase the strength of the magnetic field.
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Project Description
- For prototyping of this engine, we can use the 3D printer to make the external body of the engine.
- First design the parts of IC engine in any modeling software like Solidworks, CATIA, Unigraphics etc.
- Design the piston head in such a way that it has a slot for fixing a permanent magnet inside and in the location of cams and inlet ports add a solenoid with a rod inside to magnify its power.
- Check the printed parts for accuracy and give them good surface finish especially the piston head and cylinder because they will be in constant movement.
- Once finishing the assembly all the parts of the engine.
- For permanent magnets fix the permanent neodymium magnets in the slots and seal it making your pistons permanent magnets in this setup.
- In cylinder head fix the soft iron rod with thin gauge copper wire to act as the solenoid and provide current to it from a battery which in middle has a relay circuit which will break the current supply on particular time intervals.
- Connect a small alternator to the crankshaft to generate electricity and supply the charge to the battery.
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Software requirements:
- Solidworks:Software well versed to design and generate 3D CAD models and works well in Windows OS
- Slicer Software: Any slicing software will work fine since at the end we will need it to print CAD models we drew in Solidworks and use them as parts of the Engine making the manufacturing relatively cheaper and faster compared to traditional techniques.
Kit required to develop Electromagnetic Engines for Transportation:
Technologies you will learn by working on Electromagnetic Engines for Transportation:
Electromagnetic Engines for Transportation
Skyfi Labs
2018-08-27 •
Last Updated: