The population on the earth is growing daily and likewise vehicles are also been increasing daily. The rate increase of the vehicles is been increasing considerably.
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The awareness of the conversation of the non-renewable sources is also increased in the people as the temperature on the earth surface is been increasing a lot compared to last few decades. One of the factors that plays role in the consumption of the fuel is the aero dynamics of the vehicle. If the aerodynamics of the vehicles is efficient it can reduce the fuel consumption of the vehicle and also performance of the vehicle.
When a vehicle is in motion, a various force will be acting on it. One of the forces that is acing on the body of the vehicle is air force. Air excretes an opposing force on the car or any moving object to obstruct the movement. This movement of air will cause effects like drag, etc... which can even tend to change the shape of the moving object.
In this project you will undergoing to know forces that are acting on the sedan car model. There are two types of forces that are acting on the car. They are Drag and Lift. We will try to reduce the drag on the vehicle model to maximize the fuel efficiency of the vehicle.
Knowledge of Fluid Mechanics
Knowledge of Fluid Dynamics.
Project Implementation:
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Software Requirements:
The aerodynamics of the moving object plays a very important role in the speed of the moving body and as well as the energy that is applied on the body to be moved. In this project we are trying to make the desired shape of the vehicle in such a way it can move easily and under less usage of fuel.
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