In today’s world, along with mobile phones, vehicles are also playing important an role in everyone’s day to day life. Most of the people who owned the automobiles either, drives by themselves or they will have a driver. Anyway 100% perfection is impossible to achieve in any domain, but we can reach maximum efficiency. Imagine that there is car with Automatic braking systems i.e. as soon other vehicle is approaching near your car or your car is approaching towards any object like Trees, Dividers, Humans etc., once safe distance is crossed immediately the brakes will be applied. Isn’t it cool?? Through this project you are going to build an Automatic Braking system for your vehicle.
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You will need an Arduino Uno board to interface the microcontroller with the IR sensors which will act as an Eye for the system. You will programme the microcontroller in such a way that whenever the IR sensors detects other vehicle or any object closer than the prescribed distance, Immediately the microcontroller activates the braking system and brakes will be applied.
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