Baskaran K

Generally, as we know drones are can able to perform position held in the outdoors with the help of GPS module. In case if it is indoor it's very difficult to perform position hold why because the GPS cannot be able to receive the satellite signal.
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Nowadays many people are doing research on indoor position holding multi-copter for different types of applications.Here you are going to learn how to build this type of UAV by using px4 flow sensor.By integrating the flow sensor with the pixhawk flight controller you can able to make indoor position hold UAV easily.
Whenever the pilot gives the signal through transmitter it will respond to the control, if the pilot is not giving any signal it will hover at some point in the air until it gets the signal from the transmitter.
Project Description:
- FRAME: It can be a quadcopter or hexacopter or octocopter.Its depends on the payload that you want lift.The material of the frame also be selected based on the application as well as the payload where the frame should be able to bear the impact of the drone.
- FLIGHT CONTROLLER:To make this drone you need a flight controller which should have IMU sensor on it.IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) includes the three sensor such as Accelerometer,Gyroscope and magnetometer.Accelerometer will sense the proper acceleration of the drone.Gyroscope will measure the rate of change of angular velocity.Magnetometer measures the direction of the dron.
- PX4 FLOW SENSOR:This sensor is the combination of the smart camera sonar sensor.It has on board 3D Gyro sensor (L3GD20).168 MHz Cortex M4F CPU (128 + 64 KB RAM)752×480 MT9V034 image sensor.The smart camera provides image for the setup purposes.
- GPS MODULE:The external gps module will have the on board magnetometer(compass) with it, which tells direction of the drone also helps to fly in the write direction during the auto mode.GPS measures the location of the drone by measuring the time taken for signal traveling time from the satellite.
- POWER MODULE:Power module is used to power the flight controller board.Its nothing but the voltage regulator.The battery what we are using it can not able to give exact 5 voltage which very much required for the FC.Power module it has on board voltage regulator which regulates voltage from higher voltage in to 5 voltage.
- ESC:Electronic Speed Controller used for controlling the speed of the BLDC motor.ESCs comes with the two different types of firmwares. One is BLHeli another one is SimonK.BLHeli versions are most widely used for multicopters.SimonK ESC mostly used for fixed wing.
- BLDC MOTOR:Here you can use BLDC motor for producing thrust which will help the drone to fly by overcoming the drag.
- PROPELLOR:Its a device a which converts the rotational motion into the thrust.propeller is made up of airfoil design which will cause the pressure difference due to that propellor will move upward direction along with the drone
- BATTERY:You can use lipo battery as a power unit.Battery size will be changed according to the drone size.This type of battery gives you high energy with less weight.
- TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER:2.4GHZ TX and RX.It should have minimum 5 channel.
- POWER DISTRIBUTION BOARD: It will distribute the battery voltage into all the esc equally.It has parallel circuit on it.
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Project Implementation:
- Download a version (2.0.1 or later) QGroundControl software.
- Unplug your flow sensor,In QGroundControl, click on Configuration ? Firmware Update. Hit the big green “Scan” button.
- Connect the flow sensor. Click on upgrade once its detected.
- Maximize the QGroundControl window. Click on Tool Widgets ? Video Downlink.
view and focus the camera by loosening the locking screw and turning the lens at an object at a 3m distance.
- If you want to get higher res to focus the sensor, go to Config ? Advanced Config and set the “VIDEO_ONLY” parameter to 1.
- Prepare the multicopter that you want to. Then fix the PX4 flow sensor below of the multicopter.The camera should be fixed such a way that to be exactly focused to the ground.Make sure the y on the flow sensor should be pointing towards front of the vehicle.
- Now the make a connection between sensor and flight controller board according to the instructions which you can get from the internet.
- Do arm the drone and fly in the stabilise mode, then switch into the GPS mode which will act as a indoor stable mode.
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Software requirements:
- Mission planner and QGroundControl: You can download this software from the internet for free, since it is an open source software.The Flight controller should be calibrated for stable flight,it is done by this software.
Technologies you will learn by working on INDOOR POSITION HOLD MULTICOPTER DRONE:
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-07 •
Last Updated: