In today’s world drones are widely used for various applications. A lot of cool things can be done with the help of drones. Drones with quad configuration are used for major application because of the following reasons: simple in design, agility and easy to control. But the quad configuration has some disadvantages like more power consumption compared to tri and twin copters, Quad frame occupies more area and flight time is also less.
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To overcome the above-mentioned drawbacks, twin copter with co-axial configuration is used. By using this configuration, flight time is increased since only two motors are used. The frame size is also reduced which makes it more compact and increases the structural rigidity.
Project Description:
In the co-axial configuration, the rotors are stacked one above the other and rotate in different directions. One rotor in the clockwise direction and another in anti-clockwise direction to counter the torque. A servo motor is attached to the motor assembly to achieve the roll and pitch motion. Yaw motion is achieved by varying the rpm of the motors.
By putting the components in a cylindrical frame increases the strength and portability of the drone. Drag produced is also less in the co-axial configuration when compared to other configurations like the quad, tri and so on. Following are the major components that are used for fabricating the drone:
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Advantages of the co-axial drone:
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