We all have come across the carbon paper used in billing and other materials. Ever wonder if the same carbon paper has strength equivalent to steel but size equal to human hair? Bucky paper supports this fact when manufactured with Nanotechnology.
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Bucky paper is a thin sheet manufactured from carbon nano grind paper which is approximately 50k times thinner than a human hair. When the sheets of bucky paper are stacked and compressed, results in a material which is 500 times stronger than steel and 10 % weight of the steel. This material has properties thermal conductivity and low optical reflectivity, high strength to weight ratio, electro-conductivity, electromagnetic interference shielding.
Because of its unique properties and characteristics, it has application stretch to different fields like electronics, automobile, manufacturing, defense, medical transplant, filtration etc. There are basically two types of carbon nanotubes i.e. single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and these nanotubes are manufactured by different methods like chemical method, arc discharge method and chemical vapor deposition method and many more.
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NASA has made efforts in using the Bucky paper as a transplantation tool for retinal epithelial (RPE) cells, iris pigment epithelial cells which causes due to age-related macular degradation (AMD).
Because of its unique properties of Bucky paper, it has a very large scope for replacing a lot of materials that are being used in the engineering. Type of applications which can be observed in the future is like electromagnetic interference shielding, lightning-strike protection on aircraft, shielding to northern lights to radios and other components, electrodes of fuel cells, super capacitors, graphite sheets, Bucky paper sensors and so on.
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