Alternate power sources are rapidly spreading into research fields. Multiple sources are being experimented to replace the combustion fuels from petroleum products. One such experiement is power by aluminium
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Two researchers have created a vehicle that is completely carbon emission free and creates no planet harming waste. It runs entirely on soda cans
It runs on the combination of recycled aluminium soda can tabs and sodium hydroxide
It is a automobile prototype. It uses hydrogen power generated by a chemical reaction between aluminium tab and mixture of sodium hydroxide and water
The generated power runs through two filters, silica gel to remove the moisture and vinegar filter to remove hydroxides.
The filtered hydrogen to supplied to a hydrogen fuel cell to run the automobile prototyping. Thus giving enough power to runs the prototype at 20 miles per hour and the ride time is 40 min before refill
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The production of aluminium from its oxides is a very energy intensive process because it has to be done through molten electrolysis, which is why soda cans are recycled instead of burned or dumped in landfills.
The energy efficiency is 50% and combined with the efficiency of the fuel cell, you will achieve less then 25% total efficiency. As a approach to large scale, microcars can be experimented and current internal combustion engines can be experimented to run on hydrogen.
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