Swept wing is a type of wing configuration used in fixed-wing aircraft. There are two types: Swept-back (wing is angled backward) and Swept forward (wing is angled forward). This project deals with the fabrication of forward-swept wing remotely controlled aircraft. Forward-swept wing aircrafts are highly maneuverable (ability to change direction quickly) at low speeds and drag produced is also low compared to backward-swept wing aircraft. The characteristic "sweep angle" is usually estimated by drawing a path from root to tip, twenty-five percent of the way back from the leading edge, and matching that to the perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. Wing sweep has the effect of delaying the shock waves and accompanying aerodynamic drag rise caused by fluid compressibility.
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Project Description
Before starting the fabrication process first, you need to understand the basics of Aerodynamics like forces acting on flying objects and how the aircraft is controlled. Next step is to design and analyze the model using the software. Now you have to choose the electronics based on the model weight and thrust requirement. Below mentioned are the components required to fabricate the aircraft.
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Project Implementation
Fabricate the wing and fuselage based on the design of your model and attach the electronics as per the requirement. Now, check the CG(Centre of Gravity) of your model and calibrate the control surfaces before flying the aircraft.
Software Requirements:
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