In the history of planes gathering data for the reason of crash and how the investigation should be processed is a vital key to solving the reliability of the components and to gather that data all systems are connected to our Data Recorder or Black Box which plays a very important role since it is a device used to record specific aircraft performance parameters. The purpose of an FDR is to collect and record data from a variety of aircraft sensors onto a medium designed to survive an accident. The recorder is installed in the most crash survivable part of the aircraft, usually the tail section but since we will be placing it in the RC aircraft we will place it in the fuselage. The valuable data collected by the system helps the investigators to determine the cause for the accident was it due to pilot error or by some external factors. Later this data is shared to airplane system design department members so use and make improvisations and predict potential difficulties in airplanes.
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The FDR installed onboard generally records various parameters and conditions of the flight. But by regulation, any newly manufactured aircraft must monitor at least eighty-eight important parameters such as time, altitude, airspeed, heading, and aircraft attitude. In addition, FDRs can also record the status of more than 1,000 other in-flight characteristics that will help in the investigation. The items monitored can be from flap position to autopilot mode.
Project will require the following electronics to design the flight data recorder:
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