A shiftless transmission, also known as a continously variable transmission (CVT) or a single-speed transmission or a stepless transmission or a pulley transmission or twist-and-go (basuically in two wheeler automobile).
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It is an automatic transmission that can change seamlessly through a continuous range of effective gear ratios. It allows the driver shaft to maintain a constant angular velocity though output speed varies at driven shaft.
A belt-driven design has 88% efficiency, lower than that of a manual transmission, can be offset by lower production cost and by enabling the engine to run at its most efficient speed for a range of output speeds
If the power output is more important than economy, the ratio of the CVT can be changed to RPM where the engine produces greatest power. This is typically higher than the RPM that achieves peak efficiency
There are wide range of application of shiftless transmission like Motorized vehicles, downsizing electric engines, Bicycles, Medium and high power transfers, Power generating systems, Winches and hoists
There are also wide variants in the technology like Variable-diameter pulley (VDP) or Reeves drive,Push-Belt,Toroidal or roller-based (Extroid),Magnetic or mCVT, Infinitely variable transmission (IVT)
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For the build of miniature prototyping, we need simple components like wooden pulley with calculated linear-varying diameter,belt,electric motor, wheel, frame.
A electric motor is fixed to input pulley, when the input pulley rotates a lever pushes the belt, as the belt moves gradually from one corner to another, varying speed can be observed depending on the diameter ratio or gear ratio.
The diameter or gear ratio is achieve due to tape present on pulleys. A wheel is connected to the output pulley shaft so that output rpm can be measured using tachometer.
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