There are many forms of energy like wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, etc. The energies which are present are not that efficient
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Some other methods of using the available energy should be used so that more energy is developed.
The one form of such energy is heat energy where heat is available in a huge quantity and there are no efficient methods to use it.
According to a recent study it is found that using this method can reduce the volume of energy supply by 2 times in 2050
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The development of heat power economy consists of three major stages i.e. prognosis, programming, and planning
The models and methods of prognosis have greater importance in the process of preparing of scientifically justified planned solutions
Three various points have been analyzed with regarding prognosis which are
Criteria of efficiency are made up based on that concept that, for the intensive growth of efficiency it is necessary that result growth rates were ahead of growth rates of used resources
Thus, it can be concluded that more methods should be developed to increase the efficiency of the heat-producing system.
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