An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a pilot on board.
In this project, our main objective is to fabricate a composite material combining depron, glass fiber, and balsawood strips to form three different combinations of composite material.
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Material selection:
To fulfill the objective balsawood strips is selected as core material, depron sheet, and glass fiber as skin material to fabricate the sandwich composite.
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Step 1: Modelling
3D modelling is done using CATIA V6 software by importing coordinates from airfoil tools. Four models are prepared to compare the downforce generated with different cavities.
Step 2: The fabrication
Step 3: Wind tunnel testing
The wind tunnel is used to analyze static models for testing and implementation. In a wind tunnel, the model is kept in the test section and the air is blown to find the pressure distribution over the model.
Step 4: Experimental procedure
A two-cavity airfoil of chord 210 mm and length of 290 mm is placed in the test-section such that axis of the airfoil is perpendicular to the direction of the flow. The airfoil is fitted in front where pressure tapping is the forward stagnation point that also gives the total head of a free stream
Future work:
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