As well all know that it was the wright bros who gave the first successful manned flight to the world, and there are better proofs that eight years earlier to wright bros, an Indian Sanskrit scholar S B Talpade designed a basic aircraft called marutshakti, unmanned aerial vehicle at Chowpatty beach in Bombay, crediting him the first creator of an aircraft in modern times. He used Vedic technology for designing the aircraft.
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Vedas are considered to be one of the oldest document in the human race, which showed different Vimanas (vehicles) & propulsion, as ancient as 7000 years. Vimanas like jalayan (vehicle operating on water), Kaara (Vehicle operating on ground and water like hovercraft), Tritala (three floor space vehicle), Tri chakra vimana (vehicle operating in air like airplane), Vayu Ratha (vehicle operated by wind or gas), Vidyut Ratha (vehicle operating on solar power).
These Vimanas were operating with different propulsions materials like mercury, xenon, argon, krypton, hydrogen and different thrusters like Ion thrusters, plasma thrusters, and hall thrusters. Mercury vortex propulsion is the forerunner of today’s ion thrusters (NASA’s ambitious project - Ion Engine) or in other words, Ion thrusters are improvements of mercury vortex propulsion.
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An electromagnetic field coil within a closed condenser filled with liquid or vapor mercury, keeping core axis vertical to the shaft. Vertical heat exchanger coils protrude through the ring conductor (ring conductor is also called as directional gyro-armature).
When the heat exchanger coils are energized, the ring conductor is shot into the air which lifts the aircraft in the air when the current is controlled by a rheostat. Lift is regenerated because of the close proximity of magnetic field to the ring conductor.
To understand the performance of the engine and their behavior with the energy produced so that the same technology can be implemented in the development of Ion engine can be studied using different analysis software like Ansys, CFD etc. CFD is abbreviated to Computational Fluid dynamics which studies flow characteristics and gases by applying the calculated boundary conditions. Understanding the analysis of performance and the working of mercury vortex propulsion becomes easier with the help of animation generated by the software.
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