As we all know the importance of the fuel for an automobile but have you ever wondered by we get the dark smoke out of the silencer, ever wondered why our engines make prickling sound? The reason is incomplete combustion of the fuel inside the combustion.
We all know the impact of currently used IC engines but one component whose working strategy has never been changed is a spark plug, which has a low capability to ignite or burn highly ductile air-fuel mixture.
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When the mixture is burnt incompletely by the spark plug, it increases the fuel consumption, incomplete combustion causes knocking/detonation, decrease the overall efficiency of the engine which again, in the end, increases the investments on the fuel.
We all know that fact non-renewable resources like petroleum products are depleting from the earth core and it is very important to find an alternative to the petroleum fuel and one solution which is being worked upon is biofuels. Bio-fuels are the power resources used in many industrial applications but its usage in IC engines is limited as the conventional spark plugs would not be able to burn the fuel.
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An alternative to the spark plugs energy is laser ignition process where a strong beam of a laser is used to burn the fuel. Different components are used in this process like ruby rod which is the main source for laser, focusing mirrors which reduce the diameter of the laser and the same laser passes through the spark plug port. These mirrors are termed as focusing lenses which is also responsible for focusing the laser to combustion point.
There are different ways using which the laser ignition can be performed i.e. thermal initiation, non-resonant breakdown, resonant breakdown, photochemical ignition etc.
Laser ignition system requires less space, it provides almost complete combustion, eliminates dark smoke containing carbon and other chemicals, increases overall efficiency, reduces detonation and knocking, a large range of fuels can be adopted for the combustion using laser ignition system. Cost is the factor which affects the adaptability of this process into automobiles.
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