Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles which finds application in different fields. Nowadays drone racing gained more popularity and experts claim it will be even more popular in the near future. However, drones used for racing are not the same as the commercial drones used for photography and delivery. Racing drones are small quads that specially built for racing. They are designed to be more agile and travel at higher speeds to perform complex stunts.
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Project Description
Basically, racing drones are built using quad configuration. Because quad configuration has advantages like agility, maneuverability and easy to fabricate. Following are the components used for building the drone:
Frame: Frame is an important component that holds all the components together. It should be rigid and strong enough to withstand all the loads. Frames are usually made by Glass fiber or Carbon fiber.
Propeller: Choosing your propeller is the important factor without the propeller your drone will not produce lift. Propellers are selected based on two things Pitch and Diameter. High pitch and Low Diameter propellers are used for building racing drones. It will make your drone travel faster.
Brushless Motors: These motors have higher RPM when compared to conventional Brushed Motors. Brushless motors are selected based on the KV rating of the motor. KV rating denotes the RPM of the motor. For example, 2000KV means 2000 RPM per volt. Higher KV rating motors are selected for Racing drones.
Electronic Speed Controller: It is used to control the speed of the motor. ESC is selected based on the amps draw required by the motors.
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Flight Controller Board: A quadcopter contains different components a flight controller board is required to make all the other components work properly. It is like a brain of the drone that gives stability to the model. It consists of inbuilt Gyroscope and Accelerometer sensors which make it easier to fly.
First Person View System: The use of FPV in drone racing is to experience the speed and responsiveness of a drone based on the pilot input. FPV system displays the drone perspective view during flight.
FPV camera and Transmitter: FPV camera is placed on the drone to get a proper view and the transmitter sends the video signal to the FPV headset.
Batteries: Batteries are the powerhouse of the drone. Lithium polymer, Nickel Metal Hydride, and Nickel Cadmium are different types of batteries used for powering drones. Among these Lithium Polymer batteries are widely used. They have high storage capacity and the life cycle of these batteries is also more.
Transmitter and Receiver: Most of the transmitter and receiver available in the market works on 2.4 GHz radio frequency. Transmitter sends the signal based on the stick input given by the pilot and the signal is received by the receiver and is given to the motors.
All the parts are attached to the frame and tested before flying. Racing drones are designed and built for performance and speed. With the regularly developing fame of drone racing, it will not be wrong to expect a brilliant future in this game.
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