DronDrones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space.
Mechanical Kit will be shipped to you and you can learn and build using tutorials. You can start for free today!
Ocean Drone is the Combination of a ship(sail) it has gone under 10 Years of development. It is powered by Sun and Wind so its a combination of two Renewable energy. In this project you will steer by GPS charged route and it has vertical wing ( fin like fish ) for navigation and direction.We have to such material which you can withstand worst weather condition s and storms in ocean.
Want to develop practical skills on Mechanical? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
At last you need some solar panels and small wind turbines for some to give optimum amount of power to all the sensors which will be stored in Rechargeable battery.
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