There are different types of security system that are available in the world but most of them are having some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is Closed Circuit camera is fixed on the walls and can record only one side at a time, so it can be damaged from the other side.
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To overcome this problem, they developed a swinging Closed Circuit camera where it oscillates on its axis. But even this will also have some seconds of a blind spot. Some projects have also come with robots recording devices where robots are used to take control of robots and capture everything in and around.
The main need of this project is to capture an image and send it to the PC using wireless video and audio that specially serves for defense. To develop this a lightweight system is needed to carry and a motion sensor is used to capture the photos. To achieve high range GSM network is used because it is globally used and easily available. The motion detection is done by comparing the video frame with the previous frame and it is done continuously.
A Flying Drone.
Wireless control unit.
Motion Sensors
Microcontroller for motion detection.
Project Implementation:
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Software Requirements:
In this project, human intervention is not required just by giving the commands it keeps on running until the battery gets drained. It is undetectable because it is flying far from the target. Modifications can be done for making it more nature realistic like bird etc…
Programming language: C, C++, Python.
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