Baskaran K

This is one of the most widely used UAV in all the places for different types of applications. Whether it is a quad or hexa or octa copter, this concept is the most widely used one. Here you are going to learn how to build a multicopter UAV.
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To make this drone you can use any type of multicopter frame and a flight controller board (autopilot ) which acts as the brain of the drone, ESCs, bldc motors ,propellers, lipo battery, transmitter(2.4 ghz) and a receiver and telemetry for the for the dual communication.
This UAV can be used to perform autonomous flying without human being interference where you just need to arm and trigger the transmitter switch into auto mode which you had already assigned to a particular switch in the transmitter. Once you trigger the switch into the auto mode, drone will take off automatically and follow the way point. Again it can land to the home position where it took off from.
Project Description:
- FRAME: Frame size and type can be modified depending upon the payload that you want. All the electrical and electronics components will be placed over on the frame
- FLIGHT CONTROLLER: The flight controller(autopilot) will be fixed over on the frame which controls all the motors automatically after it got pre-programmed by the software.
- GPS MODULE: This unit will help you to follow the waypoint which was pre-programmed in the software.
- POWER MODULE: Power module is used to power the flight controller board where it also helps to trigger the RTL function internally when battery level got low.
- ESC Electronic Speed Controller used for controlling the speed of the BLDC motor.
- MOTOR: BLDC motor.
- PROPELLER: Its a device which converts the rotational motion into thrust. Propeller is made up of airfoil design which will cause the pressure difference and due to that propeller will move upward direction along with the drone.
- BATTERY: You can use lipo battery as a power unit. Battery size will be changed according to the drone size. This type of battery gives you high energy with less weight.
- TELEMETRY: For dual way communication.
- TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER: 2.4GHZ TX and RX should be used. It should have a minimum of 5 channel
- POWER DISTRIBUTION BOARD: It will distribute the battery voltage into all the ESCs equally.
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Project Implementation:
- Fix all the parts in the frame properly. The flight controller should be fixed properly into the center part of the frame which helps you get more stability.
- Connect the battery to the power module and open up your mission planner which you have already downloaded
- Install the stable firmware to the flight controller board
- Now do all the mandatory calibration and the flight mode that you want to fly in your transmitter in the radio calibration step
- Do autotune for achieving more stability so that you don't have to give PID values manually
- Now go to flight page in the mission planner and make your way points that your drone need to follow. Now upload the mission that you have done on the flight plan into the FC.
- Now you can go for autonomous flying
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Software requirements:
- Mission planner or Q-Ground control or Tower.
Technologies you will learn by working on AUTONOMOUS MULTICOPTER DRONE:
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-07 •
Last Updated: