Drones are evolving day by day as more investment and innovative ideas bring advanced drones to the market. Drones are used for various applications like surveillance, delivering packages, inspecting crops, firefighting and so on. In this project, you will learn about a drone that is controlled by compressed air. Generally, drones are powered by electric motors to produce thrust and to control the direction. Using electric motors will increase the drone weight and it consumes more power. So, large-sized batteries are required to power the drone for a longer period.
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In space satellites and rockets are controlled using gas thrusters. By, replacing motors with gas-powered thrusters to control the direction of the drone reduces the weight and increases the flight time as well.
Project Description:
First, design the frame for the drone based on the requirement. A motor with a propeller is attached to the frame at the center. It is used to produce a vertical lift. For moving forward and backward compressed air is used. The compressed air is expelled through the nozzle to move the drone forward and backward. The following are the components used to build the compressed-air controlled drone:
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Advantages of Compressed-air powered drone:
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