Due to the current development in the field of the construction industry, it led us to construct high rise buildings.
Usually, in traditional practice, all the columns are projected downwards. Thus, there is no extra space for usage in the buildings. Because of this, some developments like parking facilities and play area is not available in the buildings.
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Due to the increasing need of the people the high rise structures which are built, are not built in that accuracy where the planned cost and scheduled time is met in a construction project.
The projects which are built are mainly observed and checked by humans and humans have a tendency to make an error and in construction, human error can be corrected but again it leads to an increase in the cost, hence increasing the cost of the project, leading loss to the owner.
The advances which are being developed in the field of computers and IoT should be efficiently used in construction and hence the usage of drones in construction is becoming a need in the construction industry.
The usage of drones has now improved and project managers, now use drones for project management i.e. to accurately get the data in the construction
Drones work in construction:
Working methodology:
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Softwares required:
The drones can be efficiently used in the construction of high rise buildings and since these are still in R and D, they need to be further developed such that their usage can be easy and can be used in the construction industry without any effort.
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