Talking about the impact of innovation on the human race, there are many inventions which have changed the world completely taking an example of electricity generation, the banking system, currency and the list of inventions is infinite. These revolutionary ideas had a such an impact on the world being, that its application can be still seen around, a similar revolutionary invention was the automobile. Credits to big minds like Nikolaus Otto, Gottlieb Daimler, Karl Benz, Henry Ford, Wright brothers and the list goes on.
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The transportation phenomenon received a completely new definition and approach due to the invention of the automobile where time was given importance as how fast one can reach traveling miles from the point. And the same impact we see on the present day, where travel time from one country to another country, one continent to another continent was calculated in minutes & hours, unlike 2 Centuries ancient where the travel time was calculated in days, weeks, months, years.
Automobile involves multiple systems like transmission, suspension, steering braking, ignition, ECU etc, each system crediting its own importance in the functioning of the automobile.One of the important system in an automobile is a transmission system, without which there will be no source of energy for any moving machine to transit from one point to another point.
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The transmission has its own importance as well as demerits. Due to the involvement of a number of moving components, there are factors affecting the power flow through transmission system from the source. Factors like inertia, friction, backlash etc. It also involves maintenance of the system by lubrication.
Research has been made in improving the transmission efficiency and different gearless mechanisms have been developed in the industry like Continuously Variable Transmission permitting an infinite number of gear ratios, Dual clutch transmission, centrifugal clutch arrangement transmission, each of these has their distinct characteristics, features, and working methods.
Another type of a gearless transmission system is EL-Bow type gearless mechanism. The components involved and working principle is simple to understand. The el-bow mechanism is an ingenious link mechanism of a slider and kinematic chain principle. Transmits motion in different angles similar to any gear arrangement without the application of gears.
Components involved in the mechanism has components like right angle el-bow with two degrees of freedom, cylinder frame to connect to el-bow and pass the rotary motion to the el-bow, the same power is transmitted to the output shaft through a belt drive or chain drive.
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