One of the advanced technologies which use a higher temperature for producing output is plasma technology. One associated application of it is plasma propulsion. Plasma propulsion is a technology in which the propellant is in an ionized or plasma state.
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The temperature of plasma ranges from 300K to 5000K. There are different methods through which ionization of the propellant can be achieved. Processes like Electrothermal, Electrostatic, Electromagnetic.
Electrothermal propulsion works on the principle of thermal engine. Different types of electrothermal thrusters are used to heat the incoming air and as the air temperature increases, it increases the exhaust velocity of the air. There are three types of electrothermal thrusters like Resistojet Thruster, Arcjet Thruster, RF Thruster.
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Electrostatic propulsion is the second type of propulsion in which the electric field accelerates the ions at a hypersonic velocity in small quantities. These engines have one of the highest specific impulses among the plasma thrusters. They have two primary types – Ion thrusters and Hall thrusters which are used for deep space missions.
Electromagnetic propulsion is considered to be the most powerful plasma thrusters before fusion rockets. The principle of operation of these thrusters is by Lorentz force. These have three types of thrusters i.e. pulse plasma thrusters, MPD thrusters, VASIMR.
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