Turbulent flows have an infinite variety ranging from the flow of blood in our body to the atmospheric flows. Everyday life gives us an intuitive knowledge of turbulence in fluids; during air travel, one often hears the word turbulence generally associated with the fastening of seat-belts. The flow passing an obstacle or an airfoil creates turbulence in the boundary layer and develops a turbulent wake which will generally increase the drag exerted by the flow on the obstacle. The majority of atmospheric or oceanic currents cannot be predicted accurately and fall into the category of turbulent flows, even in the large planetary scales. Galaxies look strikingly like the eddies which are observed in turbulent flows such as the mixing layer, and are, in a way of speaking, the eddies of a turbulent universe. Numerous other examples of turbulent flows arise in aeronautics, hydraulics, nuclear and chemical engineering, oceanography, meteorology, astrophysics, and internal geophysics. A clear understanding of this physical phenomena is one of the most essential and important problems of applied science.
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The governing differential equations which you need to solve to achieve the result are the momentum equations along X and Y direction which are present in the legendary Navier-Stokes equation, Continuity equation, and Pressure Poisson equation. Hear the problem will be solved using Local-Lax Friedrich’s scheme. Here the initial condition and application of boundary condition are a bit different than the usual fluid flow problem. Read out the next paragraph to understand the boundary conditions.
In the project, you have to find a solution for different Reynolds number i.e. from 1 to 10000 for the lid-driven cavity on a collocated grid and at the end, you have to compare the result with the fine grid solutions available in the literature.
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Project Brief: At the end of this project you will learn how to simulate the turbulent fluid flow field based on different grid size.
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Programming language: C language
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