As we all know that when the artificial power replaces the human effort and animal effort, the speed and time variables changed significantly. A mechanism was required to change the artificial power to mechanical or movement effort. The earliest demonstration which showed artificial power replacing the human effort was gunpowder engines in the 16th century, where the effort of living beings to pull water was replaced by engines.
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Similarly, mankind witnessed another invention by a great engineer called Nikolaus Otto who developed an engine which used gasoline power to do mechanical work which is the base design for modern internal combustion spark ignition engines. Design of Otto was made portable and commercial by Gottlieb Daimler and built the first motorcycle of the world in the course of testing the internal combustion engine developed by him.
In the course of time, engineers understood that the 2 stroke created pollution and the engines were fuel inefficient. 4 Stroke engines were designed which replaced the 2 strokes in the market but still, 4 stroke engines were heavy and generated power for every 2 cycles. 2 Stroke had its own advantage providing power supply in every cycle.
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Today, engineers have modified the 2 stroke engine and replaced the crankshaft and other mechanical components in the crankcase by a battery. These engines work on 2 stroke cycle but the chemical power is converted into electrical power.
The wall of the cylinder block is wounded by a coil and it behaves like an electromagnet when the current is supplied, piston body is made up of a magnet. Kick start movement for suction is achieved by changing the polarity of the cylinder block and moving the piston down, which sucks the fuel inside the combustion chamber through valves. Once the fuel is burnt, the piston moves TDC-BDC at a faster rate, and we know that whenever a coil moves around the magnet, electricity is generated, which is stored in the battery.
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