
Production of biodiesel from silkworm pupae for aircraft use

Energy is a significant source used mainly for transportation, industries and agricultural sectors. Presently, petroleum energy utilization has been increased, which speeds up the reduction of petroleum sources and increase petroleum prices. It is very important to find alternative energy, particularly the fuel for transport, indirect to extend the petroleum supply. Nowadays, renewable and sustainable fuel has received great consideration as an alternative for conventional fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources obtained from vegetable oil, castor oil, and hydrogen fuel can be used as an alternative.

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Production of biodiesel from silkworm pupae for aircraft use project Looking to build projects on Mechanical?:

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The main goal of this experiment is to extract biodiesel from dead Silkworm Pupae waste, to use it as a fuel for Aircraft engines. Biofuel is a significant sustainable energy resource and it is used all over the world.

Synthesis of biodiesel:

Materials used: Methanol, Potassium Hydroxide, Silkworm pupae oil, Magnetic stirrer, Separating funnel and two beakers.


  • Measure 14ml of methanol and put into 125ml flask
  • Weigh 0.50g of potassium hydroxide (KOH). Transfer the solid into the flask.
  • Place a magnetic stirrer on it and stir for 5 to 10 minutes until the KOH dissolves.
  • Measure out 60ml of silkworm pupae oil, determine the mass of the oil and add this to the reaction flask. Heat the flask for few minutes with continuous stirring such that the mixture doesn’t separate.
  • Next, pour the mixture into a funnel and allow it to cool. The upper layer contains biodiesel and the lower layer contains glycerin.
  • Drain the lower layer into a 100ml beaker. This solution contains methanol, glycerin, KOH and traces of water.
  • The top layer in the funnel must be biodiesel, which is mixed with traces of methanol and glycerin.
  • 10ml of tap water to the funnel is added to wash the biodiesel. Then mix the mixture for about 2 minutes to dissolve the methanol, glycerin and any soap. Do not shake the mixture vigorously or else it may lead to emulsion form.

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  • Allow the mixture to separate. Drain off and discard the bottom layer.
  • Allow the mixture to settle down till two layers are formed. Drain off the lower layer and collect it in the waste container.
  • Drain the biodiesel layer into a clean dry beaker.
  • Traces of water are removed by adding 0.5g of anhydrous sodium sulfate, then swirl the mixture for 1 to 2 minutes, pour the biodiesel into a clean dry weighed 50ml graduated cylinder.
  • Determine the physical quantities of bio-diesel.

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Kit required to develop Production of biodiesel from silkworm pupae for aircraft use:
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Production of biodiesel from silkworm pupae for aircraft use
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-07-02

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