Energy is a significant source used mainly for transportation, industries and agricultural sectors. Presently, petroleum energy utilization has been increased, which speeds up the reduction of petroleum sources and increase petroleum prices. It is very important to find alternative energy, particularly the fuel for transport, indirect to extend the petroleum supply. Nowadays, renewable and sustainable fuel has received great consideration as an alternative for conventional fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources obtained from vegetable oil, castor oil, and hydrogen fuel can be used as an alternative.
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The main goal of this experiment is to extract biodiesel from dead Silkworm Pupae waste, to use it as a fuel for Aircraft engines. Biofuel is a significant sustainable energy resource and it is used all over the world.
Synthesis of biodiesel:
Materials used: Methanol, Potassium Hydroxide, Silkworm pupae oil, Magnetic stirrer, Separating funnel and two beakers.
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