Glider is nothing but a type of Aircraft which can fly up to a certain amount of time depending on the design and the area of lifting surface. They might have an engine for altitude gliding which can be turned off after critical lift generation. There are wide varieties differing in the construction of their wings, aerodynamic efficiency, location of the pilot, controls and intended purpose. Some basic lightweight materials like wood, plastic, and other polymer foams are generally used for manufacturing gliders.
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Obviously, we got inspiration of man-made gliders from nature which we see in our day to day life that are birds which can hover or glide up to a longer period of time. Best natural Gliders are Hawk, Herring Gull. Bird's flight inspired us to make an Energy Glider.
Basically Energy Glider is nothing but it is RC Glider which can be controlled by a transmitter. So you are going a make a glider with an engine as a power source. Why we need to use engine is because we can glide it for the longest time which can be controlled. You will learn about the design algorithm, material selection, component selection, fabrication, aerodynamics, and flying.
Before implementation, you need to understand the basic of aerodynamics and all the four forces acting on an Energy Glider (Thrust, Drag, lift, Weight). Our main intention is to minimize drag and weight. As we are using energy source as small dc motor thrust will be included up to a certain interval of flight. Some components are listed below for implementation.
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