An axial-flow pump, or AFP consists of a propeller in a pipe. The propeller can be driven directly by a sealed motor in the pipe or by electric motor or petrol/diesel engines mounted to the pipe from the outside or by a right-angle drive shaft that pierces the pipe.
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Fluid particles during their flow through the pump, do not change their radial locations since the change in radius at suction and discharge of the pump is very small. Hence the name axial pump.
An axial flow pump has a propeller-type of impeller running in a casing. The pressure in an axial flow pump is developed by the flow of liquid over the blades of impeller.In an axial flow pump, blades have an airfoil section over which the fluid flows and pressure is developed
The fluid is pushed in a direction parallel to the shaft of the impeller, that is, fluid particles, in course of their flow through the pump, do not change their radial locations. It allows the fluid to enter the impeller axially and discharge the fluid nearly axially. The propeller of an axial flow pump is driven by a motor.
The power requirement increases as the flow decreases, with the highest power drawn at the zero flow rate. This characteristic is opposite to that of a radial flow centrifugal pump where power requirement increases with an increase in the flow
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Also the power requirements and pump head increases with an increase in pitch, thus allowing the pump to adjust according to the system conditions to provide the most efficient operation.
Axial type can pump up to 3 times more water and other fluids at lifts of less than 4 meters as compared to the more common radial-flow or centrifugal pump. Axial Pump can easily be adjusted to run at peak efficiency at low-flow/high-pressure and high-flow/low-pressure by changing the pitch on the propeller
Common applications of Axial Flow Pumps are in handling sewage from commercial, municipal, industrial sources, agriculture and fisheries.
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