Baskaran K

Whatever the drone that is available in the market, it has the endurance of maximum 30 - 40 minutes only. Once the battery got discharged, again that battery needs to be recharged completely to go for the next ride. Also it takes a lot of time to get recharged, which is a major issue in most of the UAVs that we see today.
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Now by replacing the electrical motor with the IC engine and also the replacing the battery with the fuel tank, you can increase the endurance of the drone. IC engines can be controlled by servo motors which are all directly controlled by the flight controller board. Only for the flight controllers, servos and the receiver will be needing DC current, for that you can use a small battery.
Project Description:
- FRAME: Frame size can be changed depending upon the payload that you want. All the electrical and electronics component will be placed over on the frame. It should be rigid.
- IC ENGINE: Miniature IC engine will be used which will act as the power plant
- FUEL TANK: Any tank that can carry the fuel safely should be used
- FUEL: Petrol, methanol,etc..
- FLIGHT CONTROLLER: The flight controller(autopilot) will be fixed over on the frame which controls all the motors automatically when it is pre-programmed by the software.
- GPS MODULE:This unit will help you to follow the waypoint which was pre-programmed in the software.
- POWER MODULE: Power module is used to power the flight controller board where it also helps to trigger the RTL function internally when battery level got low
- SERVO: Servo motors are used for controlling the IC engine speed
- PROPELLER: Its a device a which converts the rotational motion into the thrust. Propeller is made up of airfoil design which will cause the pressure difference due to which the propeller will move upward direction along with the drone
- BATTERY: Lipo battery for powering the electronic parts
- TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER: 2.4GHZ TX and RX should be used. Both should have a minimum of 5 channels.
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Project Implementation:
- Fix all the parts in the frame properly
- Make the connection properly
- Connect the battery to the power module and do the calibration with the help of mission planner
- Setup the flight modes in the transmitter that you want to fly
- Now start all the engines and arm the multicopter. Check the orientation before going for flying.
Software requirements:
- Mission planner or Q-Ground control or Tower.
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Kit required to develop HIGH POWERED DRONE:
Technologies you will learn by working on HIGH POWERED DRONE:
High Powered Drone
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-07 •
Last Updated: