A brake is a device by means of which frictional resistance is applies to a moving machine member, in order to retard or stop the motion of a machine. Most commonly brakes use friction between two surfaces pressed together to convert the kinetic energy of the moving object into heat slow down the motion of the vehicle.
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A brake which uses air as working fluid is a pneumatic brake. The system actuated to apply this phenomenon is known as Pneumatic Brake System. A pneumatic brake or a compressed air brake system, is a type of friction brake for vehicles in which compressed air pressing on piston is used to apply the brake pad to stop the vehicle.
You need the microcontroller to control the braking system. An ultrasonic sensor is measures the distance of the object in front of it. The Relay with solenoid valve is connected to the Pneumatic cylinder.
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Project Brief: Whenever an object is front the ultrasonic sensor, according to program to particular distance of the vehicle the emergency brake should open to apply pressure on the brake of the wheel, the relay trip at the emergency the solenoid valve trips the pneumatic cylinder is released with air press to apply the brake to stop the motion of the vehicle.
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