Ever wondered how bicycle wheels rotate along with a fixed frame, how the windmill blades rotate on a fixed tower. The magic of degrees of freedom, kinematics constraints. Basic motions achieved by a bearing is an axial rotation, linear motion, spherical rotation, hinge motion.
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Design and manufacturing of a bearing depend on various factors like type of motion, friction, load, speed, play, stiffness, the area of contact etc. Bearing manufactured along with a material which has a force to pull ferromagnetic materials i.e. magnets then the type of bearing unpacked is magnetic bearing.
The magnetic bearing supports loading by magnetic levitation without any physical contact with the moving parts. Due to no contact with the moving component, magnetic bearings have no minimum relative speed and they can be used for highest speeds replacing all other kinds of bearing.
There are different types of AMB (active magnetic bearings) like radial bearings, thrust bearings and touch down bearings. Position sensors are used to monitor the positions of the rotor and an active control unit is used for the operation of bearings.
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In radial bearings, the electromagnets are placed in radial position and radial bearings are used to position rotor radially. Thrust bearings also called as axial bearings use two rings shaped magnets and hold the rotor in the axial direction. Town-down bearings hold the rotor in still position during accidents and failures.
Because of the special advantages obtained by magnetic bearings, they have a unique range of application like petroleum refinement, magnetic levitation, zippe-type centrifuge, and turbo molecular pumps.
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