Every person living with an automobile is well aware of the steering system and its importance. Steering systems help the driver of the vehicle in directional control of the vehicle.
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But it is difficult for a vehicle to take acute turns or park in a tight space as the steering requires a calculated amount of radius and distance to take the correct turn.
Zero turn drives provide the flexibility in acute turns. Basically, zero turns refer to the turning radius of the machine being essentially zero degrees turn radius. The drive has two independent rear wheels with independent motors which makes it maneuver in all the directions infinitely. The control of wheels is done by a lever which moves forward and reserve. (Luggage carriers in the airport, shopping carts in the shopping mall and complex)
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Push the lever front to move forward and pull the lever back to go in reverse. Apply the same amount of pressure to each lever to move in a straight line both forward and reverse. To turn right, simply push the left lever forward. To turn left, push the right forward. When the levers are brought back to a neutral position it will stop the machine.
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