Drones are nowadays largely used for environmental monitoring. To locate the leakage of gasses in houses or industrial area it was easily monitored and detected by using sensors fixed on a moving vehicle but with an aerial vehicle or UAVs we can attach a camera to identify the location.
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Air and water are being polluted at a rapid rate due to the excess use of chemicals, fertilizers, emissions of gases from the vehicle, leakage of gas from household etc. Gas emissions create respiratory illness and also environmental problems like acid rain, ozone layer depletion etc. Gases are volatile compounds which are colorless, odorless and tasteless. So when these compounds spread in the air it will be difficult to identify with a human naked eye. At present several methods are available which detect the gas leakage. But the drawback of these systems is it uses a static network of sensors. By using this static network the correct source of leakage cannot be identified. The gas as soon as it leaked it will spread very fast in the air. Thus this method can come in handy when it comes to detection of gases. The information of gas leakage is transferred through ZIGBEE. GPS will be used to trace the location and this way we can easily and accurately detect the region of harmful gases. This method is being implemented because other methods use a static network of sensors but using a static network for detection we can’t find the exact location of the leakage. This project will focus on an embedded electronic platform which will be instrumenting a moving vehicle with a chemical sensing system.
Following are the key components which will be required for the project:
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In the proposed system is a device that can detect the leakage of gas in the housing area is considered. This system is a mobile robot which is equipped with embedded system i.e, having a group of sensors and a camera. The different types of sensors that are attached are CO, LPG, methane, ammonia and humidity sensors. These sensors can sense the concentration of gas spread in the atmosphere. If this is beyond the threshold value then it will be indicated as pollution. The ADC value sensed by the sensors will be displayed in PPM concentration on the LCD. The robot can work in two modes. In the first mode, it moves through the predefined path ie it continuously monitors the housing area. The person who is sitting in the control room can monitor that area. The location is tracked using GPS. The data transmission and reception are done by ZIGBEE module. During the second mode, the robot can be moved to some other location to identify the leakage or fire explosion. By giving command through ZIGBEE module is used for the movement of the system.
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